


美式发音: [pɑ'seɪ] 英式发音: ['pɑ:seɪ]





1.已过盛年的 13.magnetite 磁铁矿 16.passe 已过盛年的; 凋谢的 21.vesicate 发水泡 ...

2.过时的 pagoda 宝塔 passe 已过盛年的;过时的 peachy 极好的,漂亮的 ...

3.帕斯 parkman 帕克曼 passe 帕斯 patience 佩兴斯 ...

4.陈旧 parsimonious: 小气的,吝啬的 passe: 过时,陈旧 passionless: 冷漠的,无情的 ...

5.帕塞 Releve Lent( 蕾勒韦 郎特) Passe帕塞) Developpe( 代弗洛佩) ...


1.He was a fine actor but he's a bit passe now.他曾是优秀演员,但现在最红时期已过。

2.But, she said, 'that miptary stuff is kind of passe'.但是,她说,“那种军用的东西过时了。”

3.Smartphones and tablets have made expensive pens passe to business executives in many parts of the world.对于世界许多地方的商界高管,智能手机和平板电脑已经让昂贵的钢笔成为了过去式。

4.No no. The futuristic look is all wrong. It's actually a big passe. What we need is a new approach. Suprise our audience.不不,未来感根本就是错误的.实际上已经有些过时了,我们需要的是新的方式,给我们的受众一些惊喜。

5.I'm beginning to find her novels rather passe .我逐渐觉得她的小说格调陈旧。

6.Most of the phosphorus in traditional corn feed passe passes through the animal without the processing.传统作物中的多数的肌醇六磷酸都不进行任何处理就喂养动物。

7.I agree that current board should all go. They are passe. Have nothing more to give to the club at all.我同意现在的董事会应该全部解散,他们已经过时了,完全不能带给俱乐部更多东西。

8.Have we come so far that saving is passe , not cool or too old-school?我们已经发展到存钱就是跟不上时代,就是赶不上潮流,就是过分因循守旧的程度了吗?

9.To be passe on by the ones you loved.你所爱的人会将它传递。

10.This isn't to suggest that all encapsulation is dead or passe, though.但这并不是说所有的封装都没有用了或过时了。