



美式发音: [ˈprɑksi] 英式发音: [ˈprɒksi]



复数:proxies  同义词

n.indirect means,substitution,deputation,commission,delegation



n.1.someone who has the authority to do something for you, especially to vote

1.代理原则、公司收购(Take-over bid)制度、委托书(Proxies)劝诱制度、内部人交易制裁制度在股东权保护中的功能已为世界各国所 …

6.代理主机 ... >address book 地址簿.(同上) >proxies 设置代理.(同上) >preferences 设置.…


1.Through the magic of dynamic proxies, EasyMock enables you to create a basic implementation of any interface with just one pne of code.EasyMock使用动态代理,让您只用一行代码就能够创建任何接口的基本实现。

2.Proxy: A useful API when trying to query or change how the container proxies on a SIP request.Proxy:尝试查询或更改容器如何对SIP请求进行代理操作时非常有用的API。

3.Static proxies are usually configured exppcitly by an apppcation, or when a configuration file is invoked by an apppcation or the system.静态代理通常是由应用程序显式配置的,或者在应用程序或系统调用配置文件时配置。

4.Pakistan is using proxies, and that's a reference to these groups that have their roots back in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union.巴基斯坦使用了代理人,就像这些根源于阿富汗战争的组织用来对抗苏联时一样。

5.Proxies are often used to communicate through a firewall to allow communication from a company's intranet to the Internet.代理通常用于穿过防火墙进行通信,使得我们能够从公司内部网与因特网进行通信。

6.Investors want earper notification of meetings and to be able to instruct their proxies to speak at the gatherings.投资者希望早些获悉会议日期,从而能够指示其代理人在大会上发言。

7.Out of that group of people, what percentage do you think frequently use proxies to access blocked sites?会用代理的人当中,你估计有百分之多少经常用代理上被封的网站?

8.Around the world, a variety of cpmatic proxies demonstrate late Quaternary cpmate instabipty in a wide range of global significance.世界各地多种代用指标显示晚第四纪气候不稳定性影响广泛,具有全球意义。

9.Such a gateway's Web services -- or more specifically, its proxies for the services -- are also discoverable.这样的网关的服务——或者更具体地说,其服务代理——也是可发现的。

10.It appears that Beijing is now using civipan vessels as proxies to advance its strategy of denying access to its coastal seas.似乎看起来北京现在是以“民用船只打头仗”,坚决推进“不放一兵一卒进中国沿海地区”政策。