




1.圣乔治 S.T.DUPONT( 都彭) Saint George( 红盾) SALEM( 沙龙) ...

7.圣徒乔治②圣徒乔治Saint George):英格兰的保护圣徒,活动时期约在三世纪;据传说,他曾与一条恶龙搏斗,杀死了它,并从它 …


1.The signature achievement of England's patron saint, George, is dispatching one of the heinous creatures.英格兰的守护神乔治的标志性成就便是派遣一个令人发指的动物。

2.You know the same thing was done for Saint Stephen of Florence, Saint George, Constantinian of Parma, and even for the Order of Malta.您知道,这种事情佛罗伦萨的圣爱蒂埃,巴马的对乔奇,康士但丁,甚至马耳他的贵族都做过。

3.Lisbon's Alfama District rises dramatically to the base of the imposing Saint George's Castle.里斯本的引人入胜的阿尔法玛区依山建在壮观的圣乔治的城堡下方。

4.At Saint George hospital in south Mumbai, 63 people were confirmed dead, most from bullet wounds.在孟买南区的圣乔治医院,63人已证实死亡,大部分是由于枪伤。

5.The tale of Saint George and the evil dragon he killed best shows the difference.而最能突显这项差异的就是圣乔治宰杀恶龙的故事。

6.Hi killed the dragon, and became known as Saint George of the Dragon他杀死了龙,成为了龙的圣乔治

7.Buenos Aires Saint John's Bridgetown Sucre Santiago Roseau Quito Havana Bogota Saint George's Georgetown Ottawa Lima Washington布宜诺斯艾利斯圣约翰布里奇敦苏克雷巴西利亚罗索基多哈瓦那波哥大圣乔治乔治敦渥太华利马华盛顿

8.In the saint george slaughter dragon fable has takes a beautiful young girl every month to the neighbor city-state the wicked dragon;圣•乔治屠龙传说中就有每个月都向附近城邦要一个美丽少女的恶龙;

9.the sound of the peal of the hour of the night by the chime of the bells in the church of saint george圣乔治教堂那组钟鸣报起深夜的时辰,响彻着谐和的音调。

10.Saint George or else a pagan Perseus;圣乔治,不然就是异教的珀尔修斯;