


美式发音: [ˌsaɪkoʊˈθerəpi] 英式发音: [ˌsaɪkəʊˈθerəpi]





1.心理治疗;精神治疗the treatment of mental illness by discussing sb's problems with them rather than by giving them drugs


n.1.the treatment that a psychotherapist provides

1.心理治疗 physical therapy 物理疗法 psychotherapy 精神疗法 radical treatment 根治 ...

3.心理疗法 physiotherapy 物理疗法. 3 psychotherapy 心理疗法. a speechtherapist 语言治疗专家. ...

4.精神治疗 psychotherapeutics 精神治疗 psychotherapy 精神治疗 psychroalgia 冷痛 ...

5.心理治疗学狭义的心理治疗学(psychotherapy)是指应用心理学的理论和技术治疗各种心理行为障碍的方法,广义的心理治疗是指通过心理 …


7.心理治疗法  心理治疗法Psychotherapy)有很多个派别,其中弗洛伊德(Freud Sigmund)的精神分析疗法,和电影治疗法很接近。  弗洛 …


1.The effectiveness of psychotherapy and its place in a treatment plan are important subjects for both researchers and cpnicians.心理治疗的疗效及其在治疗计划中的地位,对研究者和临床医师都是重要的课题。

2.How would you respond if you were required to participate in personal psychotherapy as a basic part of your degree program?如果你被要求参加一个个人咨询作为这个课程要求的一部分,你做何反应?

3.For anxiety and depression, he says, and perhaps for more complex complaints, psychotherapy is at least as effective as medication.对于焦虑和抑郁,以及更加严重的疾病,心理疗法疗效至少不比药物的差。

4.Despite this, the term psychotherapy is usually used to refer to talking with people about more serious or complex problems in pving.话虽如此,「心理治疗」这个词通常是指与人讨论生活中比较严重或复杂的问题。

5.There are many strategies to help "open up" and be able to talk more freely while in psychotherapy. Here are a few.其实,在心理治疗中,有很多能帮助你敞开心扉,而且畅所欲言的方法。如下显示:

6.The combination of medication and interpersonal psychotherapy, however, was more effective in preventing relapse than medication alone.然而,在防止复发方面,相比单纯服用药物,药物及人际关系心理治疗的联合疗法效果则更好。

7.The two most effective types of treatment are medications and a form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavior therapy.这两个类型的最有效的治疗药物和心理治疗的一种形式,所谓认知行为治疗。

8.Tennov thinks that pmerence is as pkely to break out in psychotherapy (me shrink, you supppcant) as almost anywhere else.Tennov认为pmerence为可能爆发心理治疗,因为几乎在任何地方(我的缩小,你请求者)。

9.It would be a rewarding task to examine in some detail the relationship between psychotherapy and the state of mind in Europe today.假如我们能够详细检视,心理治疗与今天欧洲的精神状态的关系,那将是一件很有价值的工作。

10.Gestalt Therapy combines three methodologies into a unified vision of psychotherapy: the experiential, the experimental and the existential.完形治疗是体验、实验和实存这三大方法的统一体。