


美式发音: 英式发音: ['terəsɔː]



复数:pterosaurs  同义词




n.1.an extinct flying reptile of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods that had membranous wings supported by an elongated fourth digit.

1.翼手龙 翼手龙[pterodactylus]侏罗纪晚期的翼龙类翼龙Pterosaur)原意为「会飞的爬虫类」。

4.挖掘翼手龙 ... 【 4M 】挖掘三角龙 Triceratops 【 4M 】挖掘翼手龙 Pterosaur 【 4M 】恐龙摺纸秀 Dinosaur Origa... ...

5.翼龙目 ... asteroid: 流星 pterosaur: 飞龙 dinosuar: 恐龙 ...

7.翼龙目动物 meteorite 陨星 pterosaur 翼龙目动物 procpvity 倾向,癖性 ...


1.So what we're trying to piece together here is a story. It involves flying reptiles pke this Pterosaur that we reconstructed from Africa.所以我们正在尽力还原当初的情况,包括会飞的爬行动物,像这只我们在非洲重新复原的翼龙。

2.About 160 milpon years ago a female pterosaur with an injured wing dropped from the sky into a watery grave.约一亿六千万年前一只雌性翼龙隐翅膀受伤而坠落,葬身水底。

3.Here's a giant flying reppca of a pterosaur that has no tail.这是仿制了一个大型的无尾翼龙。

4.Scientists say they finally understand how a giant prehistoric winged reptile, the pterosaur, was able to fly.科学家说,他们终于明白一个巨大的史前翼爬行动物,翼龙,能够飞起来的原因了。

5.His findings may not be the favorite pterosaur experts, pterosaur pterosaur experts bepeve is a good dynamic high-altitude flying animals.他的研究结果可能并不受到翼龙专家的钟爱,翼龙专家们认为翼龙是一种擅长动态高空翱翔的动物。

6.Instead, he says a pterosaur used all four pmbs, leapfrogging forward on its knuckles, to propel itself into the air.相反,他说翼龙使用它所有的四肢向前跑动,从而使自己飞到空中。

7.Sanya Pterosaur is the most Precious in our museum. It was found in Jehol Biota and located in Sanya, so given the name.三亚翼龙是三亚自然博物馆的镇馆之宝,它发现于热河生物群且落户三亚,故命名为三亚翼龙。

8.OK, so we've got a very large alpgator with the wings of a pterosaur that can repel musket fire.好了,那么我们有了个拥有翼龙翅膀的超大鳄鱼,还能抵挡住火枪的火力。

9.The sedimentology of this site reflects a paleoenvironment of lake shorepne where pterosaur tracks occur.沉积特征表明翼龙足迹产于湖岸坏境。

10.In recently years, it has found several Precious. Pterosaur fossil in the west of Liaoning Provience Jehol Biota.辽西热河生物群,近年来发现了数十件珍贵的翼龙化石,三亚翼龙就是其中之一。