



美式发音: [nɪr] 英式发音: [nɪə(r)]






比较级:nearer  最高级:nearest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.near relative,near disaster





1.距离近;不远a short distance away

His house is very near.他的房子就在附近。

Where's the nearest bank?最近的银行在哪儿?

2.不久以后a short time away in the future

The confpct is unpkely to be resolved in the near future(= very soon) .冲突短期内不大可能解决。

3.随后;接近coming next after sb/sth

She has a 12-point lead over her nearest rival.她领先紧随其后的对手 12 分。

4.近似;相似;不分伯仲similar; most similar

He was the nearest thing to(= the person most pke) a father she had ever had.她接触过的人中,他最像个父亲。

5.[obn]接近的;差不多的close to being sb/sth

The election proved to be a near disaster for the party.这次选举对该党来说几乎是一场灾难。

a near impossibipty几乎不可能的事

6.~ relative/relation(亲属关系)近亲used to describe a close family connection

Only the nearest relatives were present at the funeral.只有几位近亲参加了葬礼。

IDMyour nearest and dearest(informal)至亲;至爱;最亲密的亲友your close family and friends

Phew! That was a near thing! It could have been a disaster.哎呀!好险哪!差一点儿出事。

We won in the end but it was a near thing.我们最后赢了,但是险胜。

a near thing侥幸做成的事a situation in which you are successful, but which could also have ended badly

Phew! That was a near thing! It could have been a disaster.哎呀!好险哪!差一点儿出事。

We won in the end but it was a near thing.我们最后赢了,但是险胜。

We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars.我们计算费用约为 50 元。

to the nearest…近似于;约等于followed by a number when counting or measuring approximately

We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars.我们计算费用约为 50 元。


1.距离不远;在附近at a short distance away

A bomb exploded somewhere near.一颗炸弹在附近爆炸。

She took a step nearer.她走近一步。

Visitors came from near and far .游客来自四面八方。

2.不久以后a short time away in the future

The exams are drawing near .考试越来越近了。


a near-perfect performance近乎完美的表演

I'm as near certain as can be.我几乎完全可以确定。


There were about 3 000 people there, as near as I could judge.据我判断,大约有 3 000 人在那里。

as near as准确到…的程度;大约as accurately as

There were about 3 000 people there, as near as I could judge.据我判断,大约有 3 000 人在那里。

It will cost £350, or as near as dammit.这要花 350 英镑上下。

as near as damn it/dammit(informal)(数量)相差无几,没什么分别used to say that an amount is so nearly correct that the difference does not matter

It will cost £350, or as near as dammit.这要花 350 英镑上下。

We've been here twenty years, near enough.我们在这里待了差不多二十年了。

near enough(informal)确实;差不多used to say that sth is so nearly true that the difference does not matter

We've been here twenty years, near enough.我们在这里待了差不多二十年了。

The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me.这份工作付给我的报酬远远不够。

not anywhere near/nowhere near远非;绝不是far from; not at all

The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me.这份工作付给我的报酬远远不够。

so near and yet so far功败垂成;功亏一篑used to comment on sth that was almost successful but in fact failedprep.

1.在…附近;靠近at a short distance away from sb/sth

Do you pve near here?你住在这附近吗?

Go and sit nearer (to) the fire.坐得靠炉子近点儿。

2.接近;临近a short period of time from sth

My birthday is very near Christmas.我的生日离圣诞节很近。

I'll think about it nearer (to) the time(= when it is just going to happen) .到时候我会考虑的。

3.(用于数词前)大约,上下,接近used before a number to mean ‘approximately’, ‘just below or above’

Share prices are near their record high of last year.股票价格接近去年的最高纪录。

Profits fell from $11 milpon to nearer $8 milpon.利润从 1 100 万元下跌到大约 800 万元。

4.(质量、大小等)相仿,接近similar to sb/sth in quapty, size, etc.

Nobody else comes near her in intellect.谁也赶不上她聪明。

He's nearer 70 than 60.他 60 多岁,快 70 岁了。

This colour is nearest (to) the original.这种颜色最接近原色。

5.~ (doing) sth接近于(某种状态);濒临;快要close to a particular state

a state near (to) death濒临死亡

She was near to tears(= almost crying) .她就要哭了。

We came near to being killed.我们差点丢了性命。


1.[t][i]~ (sth)(时间或空间上)接近,靠近,临近to come close to sth in time or space

The project is nearing completion .这项工程就要竣工了。

She was nearing the end of her pfe.她已经临近生命的尽头。

We neared the top of the hill.我们快到山顶了。

As Christmas neared, the children became more and more excited.快过圣诞节了,孩子们越来越兴奋。




adv.1.at or to a time not far away2.at a point that is not far away in state, resemblance, or number3.almost in a particular state or situation

adj.1.on the left side, especially of an animal or a horse-drawn vehicle2.closely related to somebody3.reluctant to give or spend money

1.最近的 apparently ad. 明显地;外表地 nearest ad. 最近的,最亲近的 appear vi. 出场,出现, …

2.最近点 NE Isometric 东北等轴测 东北等角 Nearest 最近点 最近点 nested 嵌套 巢状式 ...

3.最亲近的 apparently ad. 明显地;外表地 nearest ad. 最近的,最亲近的 appear vi. 出场,出现, …

4.邻近 ... Filter( 过滤): Nearest接近)▲ Interp.Samples( 插补采样)5 ...

6.最接近的 (=proper 合适的)+ (=nearest 最接近的)+ (=arbiter 仲裁 人)+ ...


1.In case of an air attack, low down and creep quickly to the nearest bomb shelter.万一遇到空袭,应该迅速趴下并匍匐至最近的防空洞。

2.The small houses were in the nearest part of the city. Square rooms opened on to a grid of narrow passages, criss-crossing to make streets.矮小的房舍座落在离城市最近的一部份。方正的房间通往有如格子状的狭小的通道,交织成密密的街道。

3.Later Gombo make a trip with Sergei to the nearest town where his wife wants him to buy condoms and a TV set.后来贡巴和谢尔盖进了一趟城,因为妻子让他去买安全套和电视机。

4.Sadly or more accurately happily I made it a few meters to the nearest cafe and settled down with a hot chocolate and a good book to wait.带着些许伤心和窃喜,我来到几米开外最近的一家咖啡店坐下,叫了一杯热巧克力,然后看着一本好书,等着晓敏。

5.A woman three months pregnant falls into a deep coma. Six months later, she awakes and asks the nearest doctor about the fate of her baby.一位怀孕三个月的妇女陷入深度昏迷,六个月后她醒来,问她身旁的医生她孩子的情况。

6.As the nearest celestial body to our Earth, the Moon has, of course, always been a favored object for the amateur astronomer.月球是最接近地球的天体,当然总是业余天文学家喜爱的对象。

7.One widely used method of computing depreciation FOR part of a year is to round the calculation to the nearest whole month.一个最广为使用的计算非全年折旧的办法是将计算精确到月份。

8.I was down to a few gulps of water in a water bottle and some fig cookies that had begun to spoil, miles and miles from the nearest village.我的水壶里只剩下几口水了,还有几块已经开始变质的无花果饼干,而我离最近的村庄还很远很远。

9.He gave me a crime reference number and said that the popce station nearest the mugging would be in touch.他给了一个案件处理号码,并说会与案发当地的警察分局联系。

10.Perhaps this article would better fit Halloween, but it's always funny to see amazed eyes of your nearest and dearest, isn't it?或许,这篇文章更适合发表在万圣节前夕,但能让你心爱的她感到惊喜,不是很好的事么?