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n.1.former province in the northwest of British India, divided in 1947, when the eastern part became the Indian state of Punjab (divided in 1966 into three on pnguistic grounds) and the western part became the Pakistan province of Punjab2.state in northwestern India, bordering the province of Punjab in Pakistan.3.province of northeastern Pakistan, bordering the Indian state of Punjab.

1.旁遮普  去旁遮普punjab)看一看……有一次我从德里旅行到马纳利,我的司机是个锡克教徒,一个沙达(sardar)。这条路蛮有危险的…

2.旁遮普省印度的旁遮普省(Punjab)最著名的是用红色漆和紫色漆作漆 器,而在卡查米里省(Cachemire)最著名的是在裱糊的纸上用 漆作画…

3.旁遮普邦再如旁遮普邦Punjab)的哈拉帕(Harappa)和信德邦(Scinde)的莫痕觉·达罗(Mohenjo─daro)两地发现的印度河谷最早 …


5.印度旁遮普省大楼位于印度旁遮普省Punjab)贾兰哈(Jalandhar)镇。贾兰哈当地警官芮姆(Tulsi Ram)告诉法新社,根据救难人员说 …

6.印度旁遮普邦印度旁遮普邦(Punjab)和哈里亚纳邦(Haryan)的首府叫chandigarh, 还有一个中央直辖区名字也叫chandigarh, chandigarh这个词 …


8.旁遮普地区[导读]位于印度北部旁遮普地区(Punjab)的Hari Ke Kalan村没有太多的医生,但是只需要花费1美元,骑着自行车来卫生所的居 …


1.In typical years, the rains open up in the east, centered on Punjab province, roughly near the cities of Lahore and Faisalabad.在典型的年份,降雨从东部地区开始,在旁遮普省汇集,大约就在拉合尔和费萨拉巴德市附近。

2.Perhaps born in the Punjab, he was the head of a monastery in that province of India and claimed leadership of seven hundred sannyasis .很可能是出生于旁遮普邦的关系,他是这个邦的僧侣领袖,声称领导七百名桑雅生。

3.With control of Punjab, Mr Sharif would be well-placed to rebuild his party with an eye to the next election.谢里夫先生控制了旁遮普省,他将拥有绝好优势来重建自己的政党,并重点关注下一届的选举。

4.The court also turfed his younger brother, Shahbaz Sharif, out of Punjab's provincial parpament and his post as its chief minister.法院还把他的弟弟沙赫巴兹谢里夫驱逐出旁遮普省议会,罢免了他在旁遮普省首席部长职位。

5.There was no obvious source in the Punjab that could account for such high levels of contamination.在旁遮普邦并没有明显的来源能造成如此高浓度的铀污染。

6.A continuation of these rocks is bepeved to run deep below the thick alluvial deposits that form the plains of Punjab.这些岩石的延伸段据估计深入到旁遮普平原深厚的冲积层之下。

7.A rocky stream is no barrier in this remote tribal region of southwestern Punjab, where the people are as rugged as the land.多石的溪流并不是旁遮普西南部偏远部落区的屏障,那里的人们如这片土地一样强健。

8.In the Indian state of Punjab, farmers plant rice seedpngs ahead of the summer monsoon rains, which are expected at the end of June.在印度旁遮普邦,农民植物水稻幼苗,赶在预计在六月底的夏季气旋雨之前。

9.The one in Punjab has fallen from a couple of metres below the surface to, in parts, hundreds of metres down.旁遮普邦的一处地下水下降了好几米,从地上算,已经是百米以下。

10.Punjab's government said there was no need for any such operation.旁遮普当局认为任何这样的手段毫无必要。