


美式发音: [ˈneɪθən] 英式发音: [ˈneɪθən]





n.1.in the Bible, a prophet at David's court

1.内森 Nat 纳特 希伯来 礼物 Nathan 奈登 希伯来 赠予者 Nathaniel 奈宝尼尔 希伯来 上帝的赠礼 ...

7.纳丹纳丹NATHAN)系列 卡诺(CANOO)系列 赛尚(SALSAN)系列 洛伊(ROEM)系列 卢塞恩(LUZERN)系列 艾瑞德(ARIL…

8.纳唐  法国历史最悠久的教育出版商纳唐(Nathan)公司于数年前启动《巨眼》丛书出版工程,其旨在创造出一套真正适合小学生阅读的 …


1."I never understood, " Nathan said, "why he thought cards could make it all O. K. "“我不明白,”内森说,“为什么他想明信片可以能治疗万病。”

2.Their mouths were glued together and I could see Nathan trying to spp his great lump of a hand down Mary's shirt.他们的嘴胶合在一起,可以看到耐森鼓在玛丽衬衣底下的大手正四处游动。

3.Patriot-spy Nathan Hale, as he was about to be hanged by the British, said: "I regret that I have but one pfe to lose for my country. "爱国间谍内森•黑尔快要被英国人绞死之前同样说出了豪言壮语:“我遗憾的是我只有一次生命可以献给祖国。”

4.Premier Nathan Rees yesterday promised to look into the matter, which he said sounded "absurd" .州长内森·里斯昨天承诺会过问此事,他称这件事听起来有一些“荒唐”。

5.Like a growing number of young couples, Nathan Shaw and Maiko Sato met at the office, in a Cisco Systems training program for new recruits.和越来越多的年轻夫妇一样,内森•肖尔和佐藤麻衣子也是在办公室相识的,他们初次相遇在思科系统为新员工举行的培训项目中。

6.Nathan Eccleston made it a debut to remember when he netted the winner for Huddersfield Town against Yeovil Town on Saturday.内森-埃斯克林顿上演难忘的处子秀,周六他为哈德斯菲尔德在面对耶奥维尔的比赛中打进制胜一球。

7.Who was the gunman who shot Nathan when he was about to expose the Company to the world in a press conference?当Nathan在新闻发布会上准备揭露公司时,射杀了他的人是谁?

8.Back home, she called Nathan, Kelly and Dave to thank them. "If it wasn't for all of you, I wouldn't be here. " she said.希瑟在医院里住了一个多月。一回到家,她就给内森、凯丽和戴夫打电话,向他们表示感谢。“要不是你们,早就没有我了。”她说。

9.He had promised to take Nathan to a baseball game, but it was two years before he stopped by and later called to say he had tickets.他曾承诺带内森去看棒球赛,但那只是他路过时的前两年,以后他打电话给他,说他有票。

10.After much laughter and photo taking, Nathan blew out his birthday candles and began serving the cake.在笑声中大家摄影留念,之后内森吹灭了生日蜡烛,开始切蛋糕。