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na.1.The variant of sumach

1.漆树 Sycamore 无花果树 Sumac 漆树 Alder 桤木 ...

2.漆树属 sulzer loom 苏尔泽片梭织机 sumac 苏模 summer sausage 夏季香肠 ...

4.盐肤木 盐分〖 saltcontentinsidethebodies〗 盐肤木sumac〗 盐湖〖 saltlake〗 ...

5.盐肤木属吃的酱(如鸡豆芝麻酱及烤茄子芝麻酱)用上中东特有的盐肤木属Sumac)的核果,以加添酸木烟熏味;主肉食材料羊肉 …

6.黄栌 香桃木 myrtle 西西里漆树 sumac 以色列地鼠尾草 land of Israel sage ...


1.He set his book bag beside Tim's and stepped among the crushed weeds. Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground.他把自己的书包和蒂姆的放在一起,接着沿着被蒂姆踩过的草地走了进去。

2.There was the smell of sumac, orange and eucalyptus.空气里有漆树、橙树和桉树的味道。

3.The grassy prairie landscape is dotted with shrub thickets of sumac and dogwood, which are favored by birds and small animals.长满草的大草原被漆树和山茱萸灌木点缀着,它们被鸟类和小动物视为最佳的栖息地。

4.Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground.毒漆树毛茸茸的藤条落得满地都是。

5.The leaves of staghorn sumac trees gradually turn a brilpant red as cool autumn temperatures creep in.在秋凉温度步步紧逼之下,鹿角漆树的叶子逐渐变成了鲜红色。

6.Red Valley Scenic area covers an area of 4000 acres, mainly to wild bushes sumac, is the red leaves Valley unique ornamental tree species.红叶谷风景区区占地4000余亩,以野生的灌木丛黄栌为主,是红叶谷独有的观赏树种。

7.Species of poison ivy (Toxicodendron diversilobum), in the sumac (or cashew) family, native to western North America.漆树科毒葛(Toxicodendrondiversilobum)植物种类,原产北美洲西部。

8.Soak in the bath with baking soda will heal anything form poison ivy , sumac, sunburns, etc. . .浸泡在苏打水里洗澡可以治疗诸如毒葛、漆树、晒斑等这类病毒。

9.Sumac Wax, also called urushi wax in Japan, is extracted from the fruit peel of Sumac Verniciflua Stokes .漆树蜡,在日本也称作漆蜡,是从漆树的果皮中榨出来的。

10.Dispersal of staghorn sumac in Beijing areas北京地区火炬树的萌孽繁殖扩散