




1.梅花 白兰花------------- white michepa 梅花-------------- mei flower

2.梅花形的 [Japanese apricot;meihua;mei flower] 梅树的花 [mei flower] 梅花形的 梅花 club ...


1.The best media during cutting of Mei flower was peat. The effect of rooting of 3 leaves was better than the cuttages of 2 leaves.梅花扦插的最佳基质是泥炭,‘美人’梅插穗保留3片叶的生根效果好于1~2片叶。

2.The Chinese painting of Mei Flower has a long history, with various genres and abundant works.中国画梅历史悠久、流派众多、作品丰富。

3.Proposal of Identifying the Mei Flower and Peony as China National Flowers Early关于尽早确定梅花、牡丹为我国国花的倡议书

4.Mei Flower and Wintersweet Branch Association梅花蜡梅分会

5.To Appeal to Select Mei Flower and Tree Peony as Our "Twin National Flowers" Early呼吁及早选定梅花牡丹作我们的“双国花”

6.Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Potted Cultivation of Mei Flower植物生长调节剂对梅花盆花培植的影响

7.The Aesthetics Value Bestowed on Chinese by Mei flower梅花赋予中国人的美学价值

8.The History and Prospect of Mei Flower in Meizhou City梅州梅的历史与发展

9.The Blooming Season Control for Mei Flower梅花的花期调控

10.On Mei Flower and Peony from the Rise and Fall of Tang Dynasty从唐朝的盛衰谈梅花与牡丹