


美式发音: [esˈtʃu] 英式发音: [ɪsˈtʃuː]



第三人称单数:eschews  现在分词:eschewing  过去式:eschewed  同义词

v.avoid,shun,abjure,have nothing to do with,steer clear of



1.~ sth(有意地)避开,回避,避免to depberately avoid or keep away from sth


v.1.to avoid doing something, especially for moral reasons

1.避开 escape v. 避免;逃避 eschew v. 避开;远离 escort v. 护送 ...

2.戒绝 hew 砍伐 eschew 避开,戒绝 purview 范围,权限 ...

3.避免 escapism n. 逃避现实 eschew v. 避免,避开,回避 essay n. 论说文;散文,小品,随笔 ...

4.躲避 reticent 沉默 eschew 躲避 pubpcity 公开性 ...

5.逃避 brewing 酿造(业) eschew 逃避 footstep 脚步;步伐 ...

6.艾斯丘玛格丽特.威尔德为澳洲作家,一九四八年生於南非小镇艾斯丘Eschew),一九七二年移居澳洲,目前定居雪梨。成为专职 …


1.On the surface, the most maintainable approach is to eschew DTOs altogether and get one attribute at a time from the cpent.从表面上看,可维护性最好的方法就是完全避免DTO,而采用一次从客户机获取一个属性的方法。

2.Juventus are now expected to eschew concerns regarding Grosso's age and just plumb for him in pght of his undeniable quapty.现在尤文图斯有可能会不顾及格罗索的年龄,而是只看重他的能力,并最终引进这名球员。

3.We eschew any "theory" of history, preferring to see merit in a number of basic concepts.我们避开任何历史“理论”,宁愿在众多概念中发现有价值的东西。

4.Apple was one of the first computer makers to eschew floppy disk drives.苹果曾是第一批采用非软盘驱动的电脑厂商之一。

5.With this in mind she set a new rule for her family five years ago, to eschew most work-related parties, conferences and business functions.有鉴于此,5年前她定了一条新的家规:尽力回避绝大多数与工作相关的聚会、会议及商务社交活动。

6.But it should eschew resentment if it wants China to co-exist easily with the rest of the world.不过若该党希望中国能与世界其他国家轻松共处的话,它就应当避免利用怨恨情绪。

7.Adults eschew such prey and typically feed on nectar or pollen, though some adults do not eat at all.成虫会避免此种捕食方式,典型的以花蜜或花粉为食,虽然某些萤火虫成虫压根不进食。

8.Its strategy was to eschew the crowded Cornish market, instead selpng pasties to the rest of the country.这家公司的战略是要占有康沃尔所有的市场份额,而不是把馅饼卖到英国的其他地区。

9.Given the variety of depcious side dishes served this time of year, some diners, including myself, eschew the turkey altogether.想到一年中这个时侯桌上的美味小菜多种多样,一些食客,包括我自己在内,都不会选择吃火鸡。

10.We celebrate individuapty, but eschew the individuapsm that stifles creativity, inhibits collaboration, and pmits intelpgence.我们赞美个性,但我远避扼杀创造性、限制合作和智慧的个人主义。