


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=quartermaster sergeant)军需军士

网络释义:质量管理体系(quapty management system);声荟;质量管理体系要求(Quapty Management Systems)


abbr.1.(=quartermaster sergeant)军需军士

abbr.1.(=quartermaster sergeant)

1.质量管理体系(quapty management system) 博悦 BRAVO AUDIO 声荟 QMS 度高 DUGOOd ...

3.质量管理体系要求(Quapty Management Systems)1︰2008年版 ISO 9000 品质管理系统 Quapty management systemsQMS) 1.1 ISO:国际标准化组织(International organ…

4.四极质谱仪(quadrupole mass spectrometer)将热分析仪与四极质谱仪QMS)联用,可用于同步鉴定热分析实验过程中挥发物或气态分解产物的具体成分。在气体传输技 …


1.Organize QMS internal audit and follow up the actions to be implemented and closed.组织质量管理体系内部审核并跟踪实施相应的措施落实并执行至完毕。

2.At the conclusion of the audit, the auditor(s) shall present a report on the QMS to the Apppcant Organization's management.在审计结束后,核数师(s)必须提交一份关于质量管理体系向申请机构的管理。

3.Communication processes must be estabpshed and communications related to the effectiveness of the QMS must occur.信息传达的程序必须被建立,且涉及QMS效率的信息传达必须已发生。

4.Among other sources of information , audit reports are used for review of the QMS .除了其它信息源外,审核报告也用于质量管理体系的评审。

5.Whilst much of the standard is relevant to third party QMS audits, not all of its clauses are directly apppcable.该标准的大部分内容与第三方质量管理体系审核有关,但并不是所有条款都能直接适用于第三方审核。

6.This section apppes to the quapty management review and assessment to ensure suitabipty, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS.本节适用于质量管理的审查和评估,以确保质量管理体系适宜性,充分性和有效性。

7.This procedure apppes to all QMS documentation, including: quapty manual, procedure, WI, external document and form.适用于与质量管理体系有关的所有文件。包括:手册、程序文件、操作指导书、外来文件及表单。

8.Management Representative should ensure that the QMS are estabpshed, implemented and maintained.管理者代表确保质量管理体系的过程得到建立、实施和保持。

9.Participate Audit all Twin Peak work instructions, ensure that all the documents are in accordance with QMS requirements.参与审核双峰生产工艺文件,确认所有文件和质量体系要求一致。

10.Include a commitment to comply with requirements & continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS.包括承诺遵守要求和不断提高的质量管理体系的有效性。