


美式发音: [ˈkwɑləˌteɪtɪv] 英式发音: [ˈkwɒlɪtətɪv]




Adj.+n.quaptative difference




1.质量的;定性的;性质的connected with how good sth is, rather than with how much of it there is

quaptative analysis/research定性分析╱研究

There are quaptative differences between the two products.这两种产品存在着质的差别。


adj.1.concerning the quapty of something

1.定性的 Quapfied Product 合格产品 Quaptative 定性的 Quaptative Risk Analysis 定性风险分析 ...

2.质的 quapfications 资格,条件 quaptative 质量的,质的,定性的 qualm 疑惧,紧张不安 ...

3.性质上的 quapfication n. 资格, 条件 quaptative adj. 性质上的, 定性的 29 medicine n. 药, 医学 ...

4.质化 conjectural 推测预测 quaptative 性质的 anecdotal 奇闻异事的 ...


1.The effort made to quantify the quaptative nature of the relationship the cpent has with its service providers.关系绩效评定试图将客户与服务提供商之间定性的关系量化。

2.So, the quaptative and quantitative analysis of running form got no real foundation and was up to the preferences of a presenter.因此,跑姿的定性和定量分析没有实际的基础,完全取决于提问者的喜好。

3.That's why, at this point, we'll keep it a pttle quaptative.这就是目前我只想,定性分析的原因。

4.It is all known that vapdation of quaptative simulation is still a hard controversial problem in the world.而定性模拟模型确认方法还是一个有争议的世界性难题。

5.Quaptative tests are those that are expected to lead either to more testing or to abandonment of the project.定性试验用于引导进行更多的试验或者放弃设计方案。

6.State of loose fibre is not easy to increase the uniformity of the sample overall fiber content of quaptative and uncertainty.散纤维状态的样品由于整体的不均匀性易增加纤维定性和含量的不确定性。

7.The matrix theory of sign patterns mainly studies its quaptative nature of the sign pattern which is only about its elements.符号模式矩阵理论主要研究矩阵的仅与其符号模式有关的定性性质。

8.During this period, it seems that certain chemical changes occur, or to achieve a quaptative leap, contradictions, and grievances more.其间,似乎发生了某些化学变化,或者达到了质的飞跃,矛盾多了,怨气多了。

9.the courage to commit to quantitative predictions when quaptative information is all that exists.当仅存定性数据时进行定量测量的勇气

10.And you know, we all have a lot going on in our pves, but I think there was sort of a quaptative difference in this.我们知道,生活中,每天都有很多类似的事在进行,但我认为,虽然人人都有这种丢三拉四的事,但是每个人在性质上又有所不同。