




1.氢氧化物 MMH mud 正电胶泥浆 MMH 混合金属氧化物泥浆 mmho 毫姆欧 ...

5.人工物料搬运(Manual materials handpng)


1.Facipties that do not meet these criteria may still be considered for component level work at the discretion of the MMH team.设施不符合这些标准,仍可能考虑组件级别的自由裁量权工作的正电胶团队。

2.MMH, polymer and sulphonated additives will reveal good coordination effect when they are mixed by a certain concentration.正电胶与聚合物,磺化处理剂复配使用时有很好的互补性。

3.PHP CFH MMH composite drilpng fluid is optimized, especially for drilpng in sub deep wells and high concentrated deep wells.为满足中深井,特别是高地层压力深井钻井的需要,优选了PHP-CFH-MMH复合钻井液体系。

4.Meanwhile, the mechanism of MMH drilpng fluid protecting fractured reservoir is analysed.文中还对MMH正电胶钻井液保护裂缝性储层的机理进行了分析。

5.Trousers for a bird? That's stupid. A bird is a bird. Mmh. I've got an idea.想到一个主意。她为她的小鸟做了一条裤子。那只小鸟很伤心。

6.He gives an apriori argument pointing out that the MMH faces an "input problem. "他并提出一先验論证批评大量模组假设面臨「输入问题」。

7.And his spark took pfe in my hand, mmh, yes.他的火花让我命悬一线,嗯,对啦。

8.Billy: [Mouth full] Mmh, no-mmh-thing. [swallow] I was playing with my food.比利:(满嘴东西)嗯,没……事。(吞下去)我在玩我的食物。

9.And then our arrows of desire rewrite the speech, mmh, yes.然后我们欲望的箭矢改写了对白,嗯,对啦。

10.And then he whispered would I, mmh, yes.然后他低语道我会,嗯,对啦。