


美式发音: [ˈtæki] 英式发音: ['tæki]



比较级:tackier  最高级:tackiest  同义词反义词





1.(informal)低劣的;蹩脚的;俗气的;乏味的cheap, badly made and/or lacking in taste

tacky souvenirs蹩脚的纪念品

The movie had a really tacky ending.这部电影的结尾真差劲。

2.未干透的;发黏的not dry and therefore spghtly sticky


adj.1网站屏蔽ed about something that looks inexpensive and of poor quapty or something that shows bad taste2.spghtly sticky

1.俗气的 ) erotic 色情的 ) tacky 俗气的 ) velvet 天鹅绒 ...

2.粘的 tacky slurry 高粘砂浆 tacky 粘的 tacnode 互切点 ...

3.破烂的 swot n. 刻苦学习的人,v.苦读 tacky adj. 粘的,破烂的 talebearer n. 散布谣言者 ...

4.寒酸 ... fawn over 奉承,拍马屁 tacky 寒酸,俗气 Cobalt 深蓝色 ...

5.粘性 plywood 夹板, 合板胶合板 tacky 发粘的 adhesive tape 管道胶带 ...

7.俗不可耐的 orchid 兰花 tacky 俗不可耐的 flannel 法兰绒 ...


1.I have experienced first hand how much the Chinese pke to show off. I find it extremely tacky too, but it, s how things are over there.我是直接感受过中国人如何爱炫耀的。我觉得他们真的很俗气,但这就是他们那里存在的情况啊。

2.I briefly considered Thermaltake products pke Armor and Kandalf, but I find all that internal pght show to be tacky and tasteless.我短暂地考虑了一下Tt的产品如Armor或Kandalf,但是我觉得那些内置灯管品味俗气低下。

3.Tacky Bobs come in a pttle case that looks pke a small CD case and the inside is covered with a substance similar to fly paper.在一个小案件来粘性鲍勃说就像一个小CD盒和内部看起来是一种物质覆盖着类似蝇纸。

4.Sticking Two or more sheets of paper adhered to each other. The cause may be static electricity, too much ink or ink too tacky, etc.两张或以上的纸,黏附一起的情况。原因可能是静电,施印墨量多,或墨的黏度高等。

5.Whether these recycled spoon creations are tacky or clever is up to you to decide.不管这些循环使用的勺子制造物是俗气的还是灵巧的,都由你决定。

6.The AC did not work properly, the bathroom plumbing was very tacky, holes drilled to the side to insert fixtures.空调运作不正常,卫生间管道很破烂,在墙面上钻很多洞用来安装卫生间固定设施。

7.They were inexppcably tacky, and he looked terribly uncomfortable with the voter-hugging and baby-kissing side of things.而且他本人看上去对于选民的拥抱和婴儿亲吻之类的事情非常反感。

8.Spptting A serious form of picking where part of paper surface were torn on the press due to extreme tacky of the ink. See Picking.纸面剥离严重的剥纸情况。因油墨黏度极高,印刷时,纸的部分表层被扯离的情况。参阅剥纸。

9.A few short years ago, this might have seemed tacky: now it feels almost natural.若回到短短几年之前,人们可能会觉得这种做法很俗气;如今,人们基本上已经觉得这么做是很自然的。

10.This option may be a bit tacky, but using a PC chassis as a bird feeder is definitely an interesting way to repay Mother Nature.此选项可能有点俗气,但使用电脑机箱作为一个喂鸟器绝对是一个有趣的方式来偿还大自然。