

calendar month

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复数:calendar months  



1.日历月(一年十二个月中的一个月)one of the twelve months of the year

2.一整月的时间(即从某月某日到下月同一日的期间)a period of time from a particular date in one month to the same date in the next one


n.1.one of the 12 periods of time into which a year is divided, for example January, April, or December

1.历月 calculation 演算 calendar month 历月 capbration 校准;检定 ...

2.日历月 日历日 calendar day 日历月 calendar month 机械(试车)完工 mechanical completion ...

3.公历月 calendar day 两- 历日 calendar month 两- 历月;公历月 calendar spread 内- 日历套期图利;日历差价 ...

4.民用月 ... calculated altitude 天体)计算高度 calendar month 民用月(日历上所划分的月分 calendar year 民用年(平年为365天 ...

5.每月month',this);" onmousewheel="event.returnValue=false;return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" h="ID=Dictionary,5700.1">全部,日历月,公历月,民用月,每月

1.The first report shall cover the period up to the end of the first calendar month following the Commencement Date.第一次报告所包含的期间应从开工日期起至紧随开工日期的第一个月历的最后一天止。

2.Procedures for the preparation of the calendar, enter the month of the year after the calendar month in the form of output.编写日历的程序,输入年度月份后,按日历的形式输出本月。

3.Letters of credit , bank guarantees and tender bonds shall be vapd for one calendar month beyond the vapdity of the tender .信用证、银行保函和投标保函的有效期应比标书有效期长一个月。

4.When the Licensed Products are sold, the royalty thereon shall be paid within a calendar month from the date of depvery.特许产品售出后,该产品的专利权使用费从交货日算起,一个日历月度内付讫。

5.The seventh month of the lunar calendar month, is China's folk tales of "the gigolo knit" meet the day of the Milky Way.农历七月初七,是中国民间传说中“牛郎织女”相会银河的日子。

6.This notice must be submitted to the trustee within 10 days after the calendar month during which the cessation of employment occurs.本通知书请于雇员终止受雇之历月后10天内提交信讬人。

7.Returns should be lodged on or before the 15th of each month for the preceding calendar month .须于每月第十五日或之前递交记錄前一个月申报表。

8.WL will continue to take subscriptions from your account at 1 (one) calendar month intervals until you cancel your subscription.在您取消订阅之前,WL将继续从您的账户中扣除服务费用。

9.DAY means a calendar day , MONTH means a calendar month, unless differently specified.除另行约定,日指日历日,月指日历月。

10.Inactive account means no trading activity for the calendar month .在该月份内没有任何股票交易为不活跃户口。