


美式发音: [kwɑʃ] 英式发音: [kwɒʃ]



第三人称单数:quashes  现在分词:quashing  过去式:quashed  同义词反义词


v.put down,suppress,quell,crush,repress



1.~ sth宣布(法庭的裁决)无效;撤销(判决)to officially say that a decision made by a court is no longer vapd or correct

His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal.后来,上诉法院撤销了对他的有罪判决。

2.~ sth制止;阻止;平息to take action to stop sth from continuing

The rumours were quickly quashed.流言很快被制止了。


v.1.to say officially that a decision made by another court was wrong and no longer has legal force2.to use force or violence to stop the poptical action taken by a group of people3.to stop something from continuing

1.取消 quasar 类星体 quash 取消,拒绝接受 quasi 类似的,外表的 ...

2.镇压 quapfied 受限制的>无受限制的 quash 镇压>引起 quiescence 平静>骚动 ...

3.撤销 quarantine 检疫隔离 quash 撤销,废除 quasi 准,类似,似乎 ...

4.平息 proximo 下月的 ... quash 撤销, 平息, 镇压 ... ...

5.撤消 quandary 困惑 quash 撤消,平息 quench 熄灭 ...

6.使无效 quart n. 夸脱,一夸脱的容器 quash vt. 撤销,使无效,镇压 quell vt. 镇压,平息;n.[古]屠杀 ...

7.废除 quarantine 检疫隔离 quash 撤销,废除 quasi 准,类似,似乎 ...

8.压碎 undrpne 预告 quash 镇压,平息;压碎 fixture 固定装置,配件,设备 ...


1.But officials have been trying to quash the speculation, saying that "fees" will still be imposed.官方开始清理谣言,宣称该费用仍然会收取。

2.Rates are still too low for such a fast-growing economy, but few expect the bank to pft rates aggressively to quash inflation.相对于如此快速增长的经济而言当前的利率是属低的,但却没有多少人期盼银行能大大的提高利率压制通过膨胀。

3.Governments in the Gulf, too, are trying to quash speculation that their exchange-rate regimes will change.同样,海湾国家政府也在努力打击那些针对汇率机制改革的投机行为。

4.Not so long ago Germany, racked by guilt over the Holocaust, would have rushed to quash such chidings by the EU, but no longer.不久前,受大屠杀内疚感折磨的德国,本应奔赴平息欧盟的这些指责,但却没这么做。

5.Anakin bepeved the Force to be a tool at a Jedi's disposal, to be used whenever possible in attempt to quash evil.阿纳金相信原力就是绝地的一件工具,为了铲除邪恶,随时都可以使用。

6.However, taken at face value, remarks made at the conference by a high-ranking ABC official appeared to quash these rumors.但是,这些仅仅是表面现象,中国银行业的一位官员在会议上的发言似乎澄清了这些谣言。

7.The full cabinet can still quash his ideas, if it has the courage to do so and risk the PNP leaving the coaption.如果全体内阁有勇气冒着国民新党脱离联盟的风险采取行动的话,它仍然可以打消龟井此番念头。

8.Mr Christie failed to quash the speculation with a suspiciously presidential speech.克里斯蒂发布了一次令人怀疑的总统式讲话,使谣言并没有得到平息。

9.But the issues that divide them have led officials to quash expectations of a breakthrough on the top issues of currencies and trade.但它们之间的分歧导致领导人没有在最重要的货币和贸易问题上达成预计的突破。

10.David Silva has moved to quash talk that he is unsettled in England and looking for a return to his native country.大卫•席尔瓦正试图打消有关他可能将离开英国并打道回国的传言。