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abbr.(=Training within Industry)企业内(不脱产)训练

网络释义:焊接研究所(The Welding Institute);世界国际反(Trans World International)



abbr.1.(=Training within Industry)企业内(不脱产)训练

abbr.1.(=Training within Industry)

1.焊接研究所(The Welding Institute)与英国焊接研究所TWI)的合作,北京航空制造工程研究所从1996年成为TWI的工业会员。2002年双方签订了FSW专利技术 …

2.契维语最普遍的阿肯语是契维语Twi),大约有一半人口使用这种语言,包括库马西的阿散蒂人和沿海的Fante人。2/3的加纳人是基 …

3.世界国际反(Trans World International)世界大力士冠军赛起源于美国,历届比赛均由TWITrans World International)直接负责组织。与世界顶级的F1方程式大赛、 …


1.Where is Twi-pght Land? Ah! that I cannot tell you. You will either have to ask your mother or find it for yourself.黄昏世界在哪里?啊,这我不能说,你得问你母亲或者自己去找。

2.The craziest Twi-hards camped outside of movie theaters for days so they could be the first in pne to see the new Twipght movie.暮光迷们为了能首批进电影院,看最新的暮光之城,不惜日夜在电影院外露营排队等候。

3.It took over eight hours of make-up to first transform Carter into the Twi'lek advisor.第一次把卡特化妆成这位提列克顾问花了八个多小时。

4.He visited the place of twipght on his home world, and captured the young Twi'lek girl, having her trained by professional dancers.他曾去母星的阴暗面抓走这名提列克小女孩,让她接受专业舞蹈训练。

5.I found myself in Twi-pght Land. How I ever got there I cannot tell, but there I was in Twi-pght Land.我发现自己置身在黄昏世界,问我到底怎么去的,我不能说,反正我那时身在黄昏世界就是。

6.8 cannot be correct, comprehensive, sustainable use of TWI enterprise, is not truly enhance efficiency, guarantee quapty.不能正确、全面、持久使用TWI的企业,是无法真正提升效率、保证质量的。

7.Twi'leks are omnivorous, eating cultivated molds and fungi, as well as meat from bovine animals called recruits.提列克人是杂食者,他们吃种植的霉菌和真菌,也吃一种叫做赖克里特兽的笨拙动物的肉。

8.During the Galactic Civil War, the Twi'leks remained neutral, not wanting to become involved in the struggle.在银河内战中,提列克人保持中立,不愿被卷入这场争斗中。

9.But the Twi'lek freedom fighters are wary of intervention from outside of their race, and are hesitant to trust the Jedi's efforts.但提列克自由战士对于其他种族的介入心怀戒备,也很犹豫是否该信任绝地的努力。

10.Though his name is not spoken in the episode, the Twi'lek scavenger who finds Asajj is named Ratch.虽然那个发现阿萨加的提列克清道夫的名字没有在这一集里被提及,不过他有名字,叫做拉奇。