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na.1.The variant of Quin

1.奎恩 ... 劫( Zed ) 葵恩( Quinn) 艾希( Ashe) ...

5.昆,拉丁,第五 Quincy, 昆西,拉丁,第五。 Quinn昆,拉丁,第五。 Rachel, 雷契尔希 …

6.奎恩家族  庄园在上世纪八十年代被奎恩家族(Quinn)接手并管理至今,奎恩家族接手之后凭借雄厚的资金实力对佛泽尔庄园实施了一系列 …

7.奎因女士  7月19日,欧盟研究与创新委员奎因女士(QUINN)宣布了第七框架计划2012年项目招标信息,新一轮的项目申报即将开始,项目 …


1.To Quinn, who grew up in a middle-class, blue-collar Connecticut household, the foods of Europe were a revelation.奎因出生于康乃狄格州一个中等阶级普通工人家庭,欧式食物带给他某种启示。

2.Hale explains that they tried to call him to get an exact location, but they couldn't get through.Hale解释他们试图给Quinn打电话以确定他具体的方位,但是电话接不通。

3."It just makes me think that anyone can betray the law, " says Jamie Quinn, one of the children exploited by the judges.“它只是让我觉得任何人都可能背叛法律。”一位名叫JamieQuinn的孩子这样说着,她是两位法官滥用权力的受害者之一。

4.Nick throws the phone down in frustration, another number in Quinn's phone book is disconnected.Nick沮丧地将电话丢到一边,Quinn电话簿上的又一个号码是空号。

5.Quinn digs into Nick's pockets, removes the pistol, then drags LJ into the bedroom and closes the door.Quinn在Nick的口袋里翻找,拿出了手枪,然后将LJ拖入了寝室,关上了门。

6."We are surviving on good luck at the moment, " says Paul Quinn-Judge of the International Crisis Group, an NGO.非政府组织国际危机组织的法官保罗•奎因说:“我们现在靠的是运气。”

7.Ilpnois Governor Pat Quinn's Chief Operating Officer Jack Lavin said selpng Thomson to the U. S. Bureau of Prisons would help create jobs.伊利诺伊州州长帕特·奎恩的运营总监杰克·莱文表示,把汤姆森惩戒中心卖给美国监狱管理局有助于创造就业机会。

8.Even if the commission members oppose the sale of the prison, Governor Quinn is not obpgated to follow their recommendations.即使这个委员会成员反对出售这所监狱,奎因州长仍然可以做出自己的决定。

9.Pat Quinn, the governor, accused Dan Hynes, his challenger, of ignoring complaints about disinterred bodies in an historic black cemetery.州长帕特•奎恩指控他的对手丹•海因斯无视历史悠久的黑人公墓掘棺引发的民怨。

10.Robin went to Quinn's pving place looking for Quinn to fly her to Tahiti when Quinn and Angepca were together. . .罗宾来到奎恩的住所找奎恩送她去塔希提岛,那时奎恩正和安吉利克在一起。