




1.问答网站 纳豆 43things 果壳问答 Quora 谣言粉碎机 Snopes ...

4.高质量的问答社区 ... Calcmoolator: 最好的消费计算器。 Quora高质量的问答社区。 Starfall网址被屏蔽: 通过语言教学,帮助孩子更 …

5.社交 ... Fancy Widget 个性化 Quora 社交 Camera360 摄影 ...



1.People have already written why such a hype is generally a bad idea and in the case of Quora particularly.已经有人写过为什么说这样的疯狂不是个好现象,对于Quora来说更是如此。

2.He has invested some of his own money and Benchmark's in several companies founded by former colleagues, including Quora and Asana.他已经向前同事创办的好几家公司包括Quora和Asana,投了一些自己的钱以及标杆资本的风投。

3.I've been on Quora for a few days now and have tested it so to say.我上Quora已经有一阵,所以可以说是已经测试过了。

4.Only the questions, topic labels, user names or post titles are indexed and served up to the search-box.Quora只能搜索问题,主题标签,用户名,和主题标题。

5.To minimize that decpne, Quora will have to shift the core of its efforts from engineering to moderation, says Burbidge.Burbidge认为,为了最小化质量的下滑,Quora将不得不把重心从工程实现转移到监督上来。

6.Quora pubpcly introduced its question-and-answer service in June. Facebook followed with a similar service a month later.Quora在6月份正式开通问答式服务,Facebook在一个月后马上跟进推出类似服务。

7.Quora: Although different to Yahoo Answers, which it replaced, Quora is now the Q& A platform everybody is talking about.Quora:虽然和它取代了的雅虎知识堂不同,但是现在Quora是每个人都在谈论的Q&A平台。

8.This approach generated the insider content that led to a recent surge in users and media attention.Quora以上述方式催生的内幕信息,引发了近期用户的激增和媒体的关注。

9.And Quora, a website where people discuss serious topics, helps people find answers to questions without having to hire anyone by the hour.Quora则是一个讨论严肃话题的网站,它帮助人们寻找解决问题的答案而不必按小时付费去雇用用任何人。

10.Quora has social- networking features similar to those of the microblogging service Twitter.Quora具有类似推特的微博社会网络特性。