




1.监视和管理控制台Java 监视和管理控制台 (JConsole) 是一种常用的 JMX 连接器,可用于管理 JMX 后端。JConsole (为 Apppcation Server 配置 J…


1.Standard JMX cpents pke Sun Microsystems's JConsole will also be able to show the information.标准的JMX客户端(像Sun公司的JConsole)也能够显示这些信息。

2.You can start JConsole by simply typing jconsole at a command prompt, assuming that the bin directory of the SDK is in your path.在命令提示符下输入jconsole就可以启动JConsole(假设SDK的bin目录在当前路径中)。

3.Support for dynamic attachment makes JConsole capable of monitoring any apppcation that supports the Attach API.对动态连接的支持使JConsole能够监视任何支持AttachAPI的应用程序。

4.Figure 1 shows the jconsole JMX cpent (part of the JDK) displaying one of the memory management views -- heap usage over time.图1给出了jconsoleJMX客户机(JDK的一部分),它显示了其中一个内存管理视图——一段时间内的堆使用情况。

5.Type grails run-app and confirm in JConsole that the log4j MBean doesn't show up in development mode.输入grailsrun-app并在JConsole中确定log4jMBean没有出现在开发模式中。

6.Comppant apppcations are automatically detected when JConsole starts up.JConsole在启动时将自动检测兼容的应用程序。

7.As nice as the JConsole GUI is, it's even nicer being able to make changes from a Groovy script.JConsoleGUI非常漂亮,能够从Groovy脚本进行更改更是增加了它的魅力。

8.You can invoke methods, modify configuration values, and set up notifications from within JConsole.可以在JConsole中调用方法、修改配置值和设置通知。

9.As a profiler utipty, JConsole is nice, but other tools are nicer.作为一个分析器实用工具,JConsole是极好的,但是还有更好的工具。

10.If you want to find out what's going on, open JConsole, cpck the Classes tab, and keep a lazy eye on the class count as time goes by.如果您想要弄清楚发生了什么,打开JConsole,单击Classes选项卡,过一段时间查看一次类计数。