

data source

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1.数据源 Pubpcation date 发行日期 DataSource 属性 Items 集合 ...


1.Now that you've created the deployment plan for your DB2 datasource, you're ready to install it.现在已经为DB2数据源创建了部署计划并准备安装它。

2.The remedy is to set up the Web Service Provider to use a DataSource and then set up the user for that DataSource in WebSphere.补救措施是设置Web服务提供者使用一个数据源(DataSource),然后在WebSphere中为该数据源设置用户。

3.Setting this property also sets the DataSource property of every cell in the column and refreshes the column display.设置此属性还将设置列中每一个单元格的DataSource属性,并将刷新列显示。

4.Typically used in complex data-binding scenarios, the Filter property allows you to view a subset of the DataSource.Filter属性通常用在复杂的数据绑定方案中,使您可以查看DataSource的子集。

5.Determine if the page developer used the DataSource property or the DataSourceID property to set the data to be bound to the control.确定页开发人员是否使用DataSource属性或DataSourceID属性将数据设置为绑定到控件。

6.Hence, you will define your DB2 datasource in the same manner as if you were not using HADR.所以,定义DB2数据源的方式与没有使用HADR时毫无二致。

7.As you might expect, all nested queries and updates must use the same datasource as the transaction itself.您可能希望所有嵌套的查询和更新必须使用与事务处理相同的datasource。

8.Note how the JNDI names tie up with the datasource names you created when you were planning the database.请注意JNDI名称是如何同您设计数据库时创建的数据源名称相关联的。

9.Naturally, you must define the name used for the datasource in SimpleJNDI in the hosting environment.自然地,必须在托管环境中的SimpleJNDI中定义数据源所使用的名称。

10.This property is only used if the value of the DataSource property is of type IListSource, rather than of type IEnumerable.仅在DataSource属性的值的类型为IListSource而不是IEnumerable时,才使用此属性。