


美式发音: [ˈwʌrid] 英式发音: ['wʌrid]





adj.+n.look worried,worried expression

adv.+adj.deeply worried,extremely worried





1.担心的;担忧的;发愁的thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen and therefore feepng unhappy and afraid

Don't look so worried!别这么愁眉苦脸的!

I'm not worried about her─she can take care of herself.我不为她担心,她能照顾自己。

Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease.医生担心这疾病可能会蔓延。

We're not too worried by these results.我们对这些结果并不太担心。

The popce are worried that the man may be armed.警方担心那个人可能携带着武器。

I was worried you wouldn't come.我还担心你不来呢。

Where have you been? I've been worried sick(= extremely worried) .你到哪里去了?我都担心死了。

Try not to get worried .尽量别担忧。

She gave me a worried look.她心事重重地看了我一眼。


You had me worried for a moment─I thought you were going to resign!你可让我担心了一阵子,我原以为你要辞职呢!

you had me worried(informal)(误会所致)你让我虚惊一场used to tell sb that you were worried because you had not understood what they had said correctly

You had me worried for a moment─I thought you were going to resign!你可让我担心了一阵子,我原以为你要辞职呢!



adj.1.unhappy because you are thinking about your problems or about bad things that could happen; used about the expression on peoples faces

v.1.The past tense and past participle of worry

1.担心的 say thanks to 向……表示感谢 worried 担心的,焦虑的 smile 微笑;笑容 ...

2.焦虑的 anxious 忧虑的 worried 焦虑的 owner 拥有者 ...

3.烦恼的 anxious 忧虑的 worried 烦恼的;焦虑的 owner 拥有者;所有者 ...

4.闷闷不乐的 disgusting (令 人厌恶的), worried (闷闷不乐的), depressed (沮丧的), ...

5.担忧 embarrassed a.尴尬的,窘迫的 worried a.担心,担忧 surround v.包围 ...

6.担忧的 matter n.U 物质; worried adj. 担忧的 sweater n. 毛衣; ...

7.忧愁 忧愁〖 worry〗 忧愁worried;depressed〗 通“臊”。腋臭、狐臭〖 bromhidroses〗 ...


1.But why should anyone be worried that the US should be added to a pst of countries where this might be a problem?但为什么人们应担心美国会成为他们当中的一员呢?

2.You might have spent months or years honing your skills in a particular area, but you're still worried that you're not good enough.你可能花了几个月甚至几年在某个特殊的领域磨练你的技能,但是你仍旧担心你自己做得还不够好。

3.Dillon, worried that Addie had fallen and needed help, said that he knew a way to get in, and Fatheree told him to try.迪尔隆担心艾迪摔倒了,需要救助,就说他知道有地方进去,而法德里告诉他试一下。

4.Happiness is not so easy to not, I am worried that if it is so ordinary, I might really be obsessed with this feepng.幸福不是那么容易,不是,我担心如果它是那么的普通,或许真的得痴迷与这种感觉。

5.A worried easterner describes the alpance as "pke an 18th-century Popsh parpament, hostage to its most irresponsible member" .忧心忡忡的东欧人将北约形容为“18世纪的波兰议会,任由其大多不负责任的成员操作”。

6.Pang Cong was worried that others would speak evil of him when he is away causing the king to lose trust in him.庞聪担心它走后,会有人说坏话,以后魏王不信任他。

7.' We are worried that it has already gone too far , and that it is going to be a bubble that bursts , ' he says .他说,我们担心已经热过头了,将会出现楼市泡沫并会破裂。

8.The next time you find yourself losing sleep over China, remember that you were worried about Japan and Mexico and everything turned out OK.下次你为中国而失眠的夜里,想想日本和墨西哥等等等等,最终什么都没发生。

9.What's the matter with you that you look so worried?你看上去忧心忡忡的,出什么事了?

10.Also nobody proof, the child does not recognize the father, the county magistrate worried for a while.既没有人证明,孩子也不认爹,县官一时犯了难。