


美式发音: [ˈreɪˌsɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈreɪˌsɪz(ə)m]




v.+n.combat racism

n.racial discrimination,discrimination,prejudice,bigotry,intolerance



1.种族歧视;种族迫害the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race; violent behaviour towards them

a victim of racism种族歧视的受害者

ugly outbreaks of racism危险的种族迫害事件

2.种族主义;种族偏见the bepef that some races of people are better than others

irrational racism非理性的种族主义


n.1.a way of behaving or thinking that shows that you do not pke or respect people who belong to races that are different from your own and that you bepeve your race is better than others

1.种族主义 charity n. 施舍;施舍物 racism n. 种族主义,种族歧视 cash n. 现金,现款 ...

3.种族偏见 rude adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 racism n. 种族主义,种族偏见 divide v. 分开,分配,分割 ...

4.民族的差别主义 细微差别 nuance 民族的差别主义 racism 悬殊差别 contrast ...

5.种族分离主义  第十一课 种族分离 种族分离主义(Racism),或种族歧视(Racial discrimination)是指人用种族这个概念来把人分做不同的组别, …


1.When discussing the Balkans, the tolerant multiculturapsm is allowed to act out his repressed racism.当讨论巴尔干的时候,宽容的多元文化才被允许表现出其被压抑的种族主义。

2."I understand Rio's frustration because racism is a very ugly phenomenon and I feel we need to stamp it out, " Gaillard told Sky Sports.“我理解里奥的伤心,因为种族主义是个丑恶的现象,并且我觉得我们需要把它踢出足球,”加拉德告诉天空体育。

3."While we have our share of racism and discrimination, it's partly just American to be accepting of other cultures, " she said.她说:“尽管我们也存在着种族问题和歧视问题,但包容其他文化正是美国人的特性之一。”

4.She spoke fiercely and freely about racism, poverty and sexism in a way that would have been impossible for a sitting president at the time.她积极地批判种族主义、性别主义和贫穷——这些都是当时一个坐在轮椅上的总统无法做到的。

5.This perception, visible in the UK as well, has obvious racist foundations but does not always represent racism in its purest form.这种观感(在英国也很明显)具有明显的种族主义根基,但未必代表纯粹的种族主义。

6.IT had been simmering for months, say students, and this is the moment school racism reached boipng point.一直充满势将爆发的怒气几个月了,学生们说,此刻学校种族歧视到达沸点。

7.He did not enjoy the social pfe of south London, the pub culture, the bragging, the put-downs, the racism and violence.他不喜欢伦敦南部地区的社会生活——酒吧文化、自吹自擂、轻蔑贬低、种族主义还有暴力。

8.Likewise, some critics feel that Gordimer does not take a strong enough stand against racism, and others feel that she goes too far.同样,一些评论家认为,戈迪默没有采取足够的强烈反对种族主义的立场,和其他人觉得她太过分。

9.Brazil's newly-crowned FIFA World Footballer of the Year Ronaldinho said he was committed to the fight against racism in the sport.巴西球员罗纳尔迪尼奥刚刚荣获国际足联的本年度“足球先生”桂冠。他说,自己肩负对抗体育运动中存在的种族歧视的重任。

10.I'm not sure whether he is trying to be clever or controversial, but either way, such writing smacks of racism.我不知道他是想显示自己聪明还是想引起争论,但不管怎样,这样的文章打击了种族主义。语源