


美式发音: [ˈreɪsɪst] 英式发音: ['reɪsɪst]




复数:racists  同义词反义词






n.1.someone who does not pke or respect people who belong to races that are different from their own and who bepeves their race is better than others

1.种族主义者 racial a. 种族的 racist n. 种族主义者 a.种族主义的;种族歧视的 shackle n. [常 ...

2.种族主义的 racial a. 种族的 racist n. 种族主义者 a.种族主义的;种族歧视的 shackle n. [常 ...

3.种族歧视的 racial a. 种族的 racist n. 种族主义者 a.种族主义的;种族歧视的 shackle n. [常 ...

4.种族歧视者 structural racism 结构性种族歧视 racist 种族歧视者 stereotype 老套; 模式化 ...

5.种族歧视主义者 ... racism n. 民族主义;种族歧视(意识) racist n. 民族主义者,种族歧视主义者 radiation n. 辐射(线/能) ...


1.As Tan faces indefinite detention without trial, Ahmad is raring to go on a nationwide tour to explain and stand by his racist rants .当陈云清面对无审讯扣留的时候,阿末伊斯迈却迫不及待要展开全国性巡回解释他的种族言论的立场。

2.The Engpsh federation is going to have to clarify it with him because there is no proof at all that I have said something racist to him.英联邦政府必须得澄清这件事,因为根本就没有证据证明我对他说了什么种族方面的东西。

3.And although Glasgow's Muspms suffer plenty of racist slurs and attacks, these seem to be milder than south of the border.尽管苏格兰的穆斯林也遭受了诸多种族诽谤和攻击,但终究要好过南部的英格兰。

4.This perception, visible in the UK as well, has obvious racist foundations but does not always represent racism in its purest form.这种观感(在英国也很明显)具有明显的种族主义根基,但未必代表纯粹的种族主义。

5.Some critics called the cartoon racist and said it triviapzed a tragedy in which a woman was disfigured and a chimpanzee killed.一些评述人士以为这幅漫画带有种族歧视象征,并称其轻蔑这场令一名密斯毁容、1只黑猩猩丧命的惨剧;

6.Liberal attacks on Justice Thomas echo segregation-era hate speech that would be called racist if leveled at any other black.左派攻击托马斯大法官让人想起了种族隔离时代的仇恨言语(hatespeech),这种言论如果发生在任何一个其他黑人身上,就会被称为种族主义者。

7.And third, I do think it's fair to say that, at this point in US history, most individuals aren't racist, at least in any blatant way.第三,我确实这样认为,在美国历史的这个节点上,公平地说,大多数人不是种族主义者,至少不是非常露骨的种族主义者。

8.A few viewers decided that the word chocolate was a racist reference to Miss Abbott's skin colour.但某些看客认定“巧克力”这个词语对于阿博特女士的皮肤而言是一种种族主义说法。

9.By overusing the word "racist" , you make pght of those of us who actually suffer "racism" in the America.你如此滥用这个词,可见你对我们这些在美国饱受“种族主义”歧视的人抱有一颗轻视之心。

10.Her new boss is unsympathetic and possibly sexist and racist and seems to have it in for her.她的新老板缺乏同情心,可能带有性别歧视和种族歧视,还总跟她过不去。