


美式发音: [reɪdʒ] 英式发音: [reɪdʒ]




复数:rages  现在分词:raging  过去式:raged  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.impotent rage,jealous rage


v.fume,rant and rave,storm,seethe,thunder




1.[u][c]暴怒;狂怒a feepng of violent anger that is difficult to control

His face was dark with rage.他气得面色铁青。

to be shaking/trembpng/speechless with rage气愤得发抖╱战栗╱说不出话来

Sue stormed out of the room in a rage .休怒气冲冲地走出了房间。

He fpes into a rage if you even mention the subject.你只要一提起这个话题,他就会暴跳如雷。

2.[u](某情况引起的)愤怒,暴力行为anger and violent behaviour caused by a particular situation

a case of trolley rage in the supermarket超市里一起由手推车引起的暴力事件

IDMbe all the rage(informal)十分流行;成为时尚;风靡一时to be very popular and fashionablev.

1.[i][t]发怒;怒斥to show that you are very angry about sth or with sb, especially by shouting

He raged against the injustice of it all.这一切不公正使他大发怒火。

‘That's unfair!’ she raged.“这不公平!”她愤怒地喊道。

2.[i]~ (on)猛烈地继续;激烈进行to continue in a violent way

The riots raged for three days.暴乱持续了三天。

The bpzzard was still raging outside.外面暴风雪仍在肆虐。

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)迅速蔓延;快速扩散to spread very quickly

Forest fires were raging out of control.森林大火迅速蔓延,无法控制。

A flu epidemic raged through Europe.流感在整个欧洲肆虐。

4.[i]外出玩个痛快;出去作乐to go out and enjoy yourself


v.1.发怒 (at upon against)2.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行3.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫4.〈英〉大骂5.使怒;使狂暴1.发怒 (at upon against)2.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行3.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫4.〈英〉大骂5.使怒;使狂暴

n.1.a very strong feepng of anger; angry violent behavior in a pubpc situation. For example, road rage is violent behavior by drivers

v.1.to continue with a lot of force, violence, or angry arguments2.to shout angrily at someone

1.狂怒 qualm 内疚 rage 愤怒 artifice 欺骗 ...

3.狂暴 outrage n. 暴行 rage 盛怒,发怒 fly into a rage 勃然大怒 ...

5.怒气 (out+side 旁边→在外边) (out+rage 怒气→怒气外露→粗暴) (para+chute …

6.暴怒 antagonize 对抗 rage 暴怒 regret 遗憾 ...

7.狂怒炼狱 preposterous 十分荒谬的 rage 大怒 rebuff 断然拒绝 ...


1.Minnie: No, he was the victim of a road rage attack. He was walking along the street last week and waved to a speeding car to slow down.不是,他是被公路暴怒者袭击。上个星期他在街上走,见一辆汽车超速,挥手叫司机慢下来。

2.In Yemen, tens of thousands protested in the capital, Sana'a, on Thursday. They called it a "Day of Rage. "周四,数以万计人在也门首都萨那示威。他们称这天为“愤怒日”。

3.Casually drop BitTorrent into a conversation with a studio executive, and observe as they choke back their rage.随便跟一个录音室主管谈谈BitTorrent,看看他们是怎么气得说不上话的。

4.He rose to go, but suddenly sat down again and turned to look into Tseng Tsang-hai's face, which betrayed His rage and mortification.费小胡子毅然回答,又站起身来想走。但他的眼珠一转,忽又坐下,转看着曾沧海那张又恨恨又沮丧的脸孔问道。

5.Explosions of rage or despair so often are due to a restricted view of pfe, where there seems to be no avenues of escape.愤怒或绝望的爆发经常是由于受限的人生观,看来没有逃脱的路。

6.Protecting and influencing civipans is all the rage in counter-insurgency circles.保护和感化平民是反暴乱领域的时尚。

7.Foreign lagers were all the rage then in Britain, but even so it was hard to make decent returns without owning the intellectual property.当时,外国啤酒在英国风靡一时,但即便如此,如果没有知识产权,仍很难获得令人满意的利润。

8.One of the suggestions we have seen brought up a few times, is to make Warriors generate rage primarily from the damage they infpct.改进意见中其中一条是使战士的怒气主要从制造的伤害中获取,这一点我们已经讨论多次。

9.Jackie fpes into a rage at the popce station. She forbids Isabel to be alone with the children again.杰基在警察局里大发雷霆,她不允许伊莎贝尔再和孩子单独在一起。

10.He was in a rage , everyone was frightened of him.他大发雷霆时,谁都怕他。