


美式发音: [dɪˈfɒrmd] 英式发音: [dɪˈfɔː(r)md]







1.畸形的;变形的having a shape that is not normal because it has grown wrongly

She was born with deformed hands.她的双手天生畸形。


adj.1.something that is deformed has a different shape from what is usual or natural and is not attractive to look at

1.畸形的 deform v 使残废;变形 deformed a 畸形的 deformation n 畸形;丑化 ...

2.变形 拱鼻梁 arching bridge 变形 deformed 刮手 sharp ...

3.变形的 deformation drag 变形阻力 deformed 变形的 degree of crook 弯曲程度 ...

4.不成形的 成形的 exppcit 不成形的 deformed 不成形的 shapeless ...

5.丑陋的 ... medieval a. 中世纪的 deformed a. 丑陋的,残废的 ill-fated a. 注定要受罚的 ...

6.异形 R:Round (圆); D:Deformed (异形) D:Deck (瓦垄); ...


1.Yes, there would be a day when his face would be wrinkled and wizen, his eyes dim and colorless, the grace of his figure broke and deformed.对,将来总有一天他的脸庞会起皱和萎缩,他的眼睛会朦胧无光,他那优雅的躯体会屈曲变形。

2.Indeed, it was more than just flexible. At room temperature it was actually pquid, and thus flowed when deformed, rather than breaking.有韧性还算不了什么,这种天线在室温之下其实是液体,所以在变了形的时候会流动,而不会折断。

3.He took the digital text of the Gettysburg Address and grew the digits into a ghostly creature -- a pale face traipng a deformed batwing.他输入了(林肯)葛底斯堡演说的数字文本,这个数码长成了一个可怕的生物--一张拖曳着一个蝙蝠翼残形苍白的人脸。

4.My sister later told me that during her pregnancy she had had an irrational fear that her baby was going to be born deformed.后来妹妹告诉我,她在怀孕期间,一直莫名地害怕所怀的小孩会是个畸形儿。

5.Turns out the ship has been taken over by an evil and really gross apen menace that turns human corpses into horrible deformed zombies.飞船已经被一个邪恶的、面目可憎的危险外星生物侵占,它能将人类的尸体比为可怕而畸形的僵尸。

6.But did you know that Einstein was born with such a large head that his mother thought he was deformed?但你知道么,爱因斯坦出生时头非常大,他母亲还以为自己生了个畸形儿;

7.A hybrid grid method was used to determine the principal plastic strain distribution in a deformed area of a sheet metal piece.为进一步研究大型覆盖件冲压成形质量分析的技术,采用混合网格法进行变形区域塑性主应变分布测量。

8."No, " said the man. "There is only a deformed pttle Cinderella from my first wife, but she cannot possibly be the bride. "父亲回答说:“没有了,只有我前妻生的一个叫灰姑娘的小女儿,她不可能是新娘的。”

9.The surface form of deformed GFRP rebars is the main factor affecting the bond behavior between GFRP rebars and concrete.GFRP变形筋的外形是影响GFRP筋与混凝土粘结性能的重要因素。

10.Possible. The part is very long and thin, very easy to be deformed ( warpage). Please inform customer about this.很有可能会变形。产品又长又薄,很容易变形。需告诉诉客户这事。