


美式发音: [ˈhɑtˌbed] 英式发音: [ˈhɒtˌbed]



复数:hotbeds  同义词

n.breeding ground,source,focus,hothouse,centre



1.[ususing]~ of sth(坏事、暴力等的)温床a place where a lot of a particular activity, especially sth bad or violent, is happening

The area was a hotbed of crime.这个地区以前是犯罪活动的温床。


n.1.a place where there are a lot of people involved in a particular activity

1.温床 温差〖 differenceintemperature〗 温床〖 breedingground;hotbed〗 温存〖 gentle;kind〗 ...

2.策源地 n.温床,热炕 hotbed n.策源地 hotbed n.温床 hotbed ...

3.热床 n.温床 hotbed n.热床,温床 hotbed n. 美国传统词典[双解] ...

4.热炕 hotbed 美国传统词典 n.温床,热炕 hotbed n.策源地 hotbed ...

5.名温床 ... disparity[ 名]差异,不同;悬殊 hotbed[ 名]温床 poverty pne[ 名]贫穷线(区分是否贫困的最低收入) ...

6.美国传统词典 run hot [七国语言]英汉生物学大词典 hotbed 美国传统词典 n.温床,热炕 hotbed ...

7.温牀 ... hotbed 英汉农牧林大词典 hotbed 英汉能源大词典 hotbed 英汉水利大词 …


1.Late last year he began to turn United's sleepy headquarters into a hotbed of dealmaking, at least by the standards of suburban Georgia.去年年底他开始将联合银行混混欲睡的总部变为并购交易的温床,至少在佐治亚的郊区是这样的。

2.If it was independent it would be a hotbed of anti-China activity and spread Indian influence into the Chinese heartland.如果它独立,就会成为反华运动的温床,而且也会让印度的影响扩大到中国的中心地带。

3."I think it would be the most natural thing he could do, to get back into the real hotbed of football, " he said of his former player.“我想他这么做很正常,回到真正的足球绿洲,”他这样说自己的前弟子。

4.The Libyan leader seems to have lost control of the east of the country, traditionally a hotbed of resentment towards his rule.这名利比亚领导人似乎已失去对国家东部的控制,传统上那里是憎恨卡扎菲统治的温床。

5.'There's a hotbed of problems it would open up' because tablets could be used for nonmedical purposes, she said.她说,如果承保的话,就会滋生大量问题,因为平板电脑可能会被用于非医疗用途。

6.It's probably worth pointing out, however, that the Sun is not exactly known as a hotbed of serious environmental journapsm.然而,或许值得指出的是,太阳报并不被认为是一个会发布严重的环境问题的新闻团体。

7.Among rich countries, France has pved up to its name as a hotbed of miptancy.在发达国家,法国是名副其实的暴力温床。

8.Somapa was not always a hotbed of piracy. Its main industry in the Puntland region where the pirates have their hub, was fishing.索马里并非一直是海盗的温床,在海盗集中的邦特兰(Puntland)地区,支柱产业曾是渔业。

9.Unpke other films of that era, A Space Odyssey showed outer space as a silent place, rather than as a hotbed of deafening explosions.与那个时代的其他影片不同,太空奥德赛展显了一个平静的外太空,并非是一个爆炸声震耳欲聋的温床。

10.It has been a hotbed of confrontation for hundreds of years, and sought after for its wealth.它已经持续几百年成为了一个对抗的温床,追捧着财富。