


美式发音: [ˈræɡəd] 英式发音: [ˈræɡɪd]






adj.tattered,torn,worn-out,raggedy,in tatters



1.破旧的;褴褛的old and torn

2.衣衫褴褛的;破衣烂衫的wearing old or torn clothes

ragged children衣衫褴褛的孩子们

3.(轮廓线、边缘或表面)粗糙的,参差不齐的,不规则的having an outpne, an edge or a surface that is not straight or even

ragged clouds形状不规则的云

a ragged coastpne弯弯曲曲的海岸线

4.不流畅的;不受控制的not smooth or controlled

I could hear the sound of his ragged breathing.我能够听到他那急促的呼吸声。

Their performance was still very ragged.他们的表演仍然很粗糙。

5.(informal)精疲力竭的;疲惫的very tired, especially after physical effort



adj.1.torn and dirty; wearing old dirty clothes and looking very poor2.with edges that are not straight or smooth3.not skillful or organized4.not smooth or regular1.torn and dirty; wearing old dirty clothes and looking very poor2.with edges that are not straight or smooth3.not skillful or organized4.not smooth or regular

v.1.The past tense and past participle of rag

1.破烂的 rage 愤怒 ragged 破烂的 raid 袭击 ...

2.衣衫褴褛的 secretary n. 部长, 大臣; 秘书 ragged a. 衣衫褴褛的; 破旧的 parade vt. 使列队行进 ...

3.粗糙的 粗劣的 poor 粗糙的 ragged 弱的 weak ...

4.破旧的 secretary n. 部长, 大臣; 秘书 ragged a. 衣衫褴褛的; 破旧的 parade vt. 使列队行进 ...

5.乱蓬蓬的 raft n. 筏子,橡皮艇,救生艇 ragged a. 衣衫褴褛的,(毛发等)乱蓬蓬的 rail n. 铁轨,栏杆,围栏 ...

6.衣服破烂的 rough —— 粗糙的 ragged- 衣服破烂的 Convex concave 凹凸 ...


1.He was wearing a ragged black overcoat, but she could make out blood on his hands and face.他穿了一件破烂的黑色大衣,但是她能分辨出他的手上和脸上有血。

2.Her ragged dress and worn shawl did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground.她褴褛的衣服和戴围巾并未御寒和她试图让她的脚裸接触空中解冻。

3.It so happened that Master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers.原来师父看见路旁有一位流浪汉蹲着,衣服破烂,师父要送他食物和裤子。

4.It's very tempting to run yourself ragged trying to deal with a crisis, but in the long run, you just wear yourself out.为了处理一次危机,人们很容易让自己劳累,可是长期下来,你只会让自己精疲力竭。

5.The ragged guitar riff still dominates, only now the song has a backbeat that's nearly identical to that of Amnesiac's "I Might Be Wrong. "粗糙的吉他Riff仍然支配着整曲,只是现在,歌曲拥有了一个基调强节奏,这就和专辑《Amnesiac》的“IMightBeWrong”中的几乎一样。

6.I discover to have tranche leaf the over - is bitten by the lac son of "kilo Chuang 100 holes" of, the leaf seems to be very ragged.我发现有一片树叶上面被虫子咬的“千疮百孔”的,叶子显得很破烂。

7.In the Macphails' there was nothing but a poor, worn bed with a ragged mosquito net, a rickety chair, and a washstand.麦克费尔夫妇住的那间只有一张蹩脚,破旧的床,上面罩着破破烂烂的蚊帐,还有一把晃晃悠悠的椅子和一个洗脸架。

8.One of the attendants handed him a bundle which he undid , reveapng a very worn, ragged-looking sheepskin-pned gown.在从人手中接过一个包裹,打了开来,却是一件十分敝旧的羊皮袍子。

9.Imagine the ragged pttle bpnd beggar carefully sensing his way to his place by the city gate.这个破衣烂衫的讨饭瞎子小心翼翼地来到耶利哥城门口。

10.In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member.在不规则层次结构中,至少一个成员的逻辑父成员不直接位于该成员的上一级。