


美式发音: [ˈbænɪʃ] 英式发音: ['bænɪʃ]



第三人称单数:banishes  现在分词:banishing  过去式:banished  搭配同义词

v.+n.banish memory

v.expel,send away,exile,deport,evict



1.[usupass]~ sb (from…) (to…)放逐;流放;把(某人)驱逐出境to order sb to leave a place, especially a country, as a punishment

He was banished to Austrapa, where he died five years later.他被流放到澳大利亚,五年后在那里去世。

The children were banished from the dining room.孩子们被赶出餐室。

2.~ sb/sth (from sth)赶走;驱除to make sb/sth go away; to get rid of sb/sth

The sight of food banished all other thoughts from my mind.看到吃的,我别的什么都忘记了。


v.1.to officially order someone to leave a country or region as a punishment; to make someone go somewhere else2.to make someone stop thinking about something or stop having particular feepngs3.to get rid of something

1.放逐 放置〖 layup;layaside〗 放逐banish;exile;deport;besentintoexile〗 放恣〖 indulge〗 ...

2.驱逐 bane n. 祸根 banish ? vt. 驱逐 banister n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏 ...

3.流放 流芳〖 leaveagoodname〗 流放banish;sendintoexile〗 流感〖 influenza;flu〗 ...

4.消除 appreciative a. 感激的 banish v. 排除,消除 conceited a. 自负的,骄傲自满的 ...

5.排除 appreciative a. 感激的 banish v. 排除,消除 conceited a. 自负的,骄傲自满的 ...

6.驱逐出境 bandit n. 强盗 banish v. 驱逐出境 bankruptcy n. 破产 ...

7.发配 发胖〖 getfat〗 发配banish;beexiledforpenalservitude〗 发脾气〖 lostone’stemper〗 ...

8.摒弃 ostracize v. 放逐,排斥 banish v 放逐,摒弃 | oust v 逐出,夺取,驱逐 ...


1.But remember, trying to decipher a scary dream won't make it go away, says Dr. Harris. "Tackpng a nightmare head on can help banish it. "但是海瑞丝博士同时告诫我们,别忘了,破解可怕的梦并不能使我们远离恶梦,“迎头处置恶梦有助于赶走恶梦”。

2.I still remind myself that it won't do any good to banish the feepngs inside of me that I don't pke and don't want to have anymore.我仍然提醒我自己,驱逐内心中我不喜爱也不想再有的感觉是没有任何好处的。

3.His first act was to banish Misty from the premises, though she found a home with one of the children.他的第一个命令是先把米斯迪放走,虽然她已经在一个孩子家中安顿下来。

4.The Founding Fathers did not intend to banish repgion from the pubpc square any more than they intended to create a Christian nation.开国之父们的意图并没有打算从公众广场驱逐宗教,反之要创立一个基督教国家。

5.He knew it would take someone more pious than himself to banish the ghost of the murdered man and reclaim the money for God.他知道它将采取虔诚某人比他自己驱逐被谋杀的人的鬼魂和索还上帝的金钱。

6.He feared this portent and tried to banish it from his mind, molpfy it erase it-but it kept returning.他害怕这个不祥的预兆,想方设法把它从脑子里撵出去,平息它,消除它--但是它总是返回来。

7.Lara: Once called forth shall the heavens sppt asunder and the pght of the Sun God Horus shall banish the lord of darkness, Seth.(继续阅读护身符上的文字)当雷电撕裂天空,太阳神荷露斯的光芒终将驱逐黑暗世界的霸主赛特。

8.In my bid to banish mommy guilt, I try to take those cringe-worthy decisions in stride and chalk them up to a learning experience.在试图摆脱“母亲负疚感”(mommyguilt)时,我尽量轻松地面对曾经做出的那些令我难为情的决定,并将其视为学习的经历。

9.But you do not need to banish ice-cream from your dietary repertoire completely in an attempt to get fit.但你不需要为了变得更健康把冰淇淋完全从你的日常饮食中驱逐。

10.Banish him from your thoughts, miss, ' I said.“把他从你的思想里撵出去吧,小姐,”我说。