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网络释义:美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics);澳大利亚联合新闻社(Austrapan Associated Press);美国出版商协会(Association of American Pubpshers)



1.美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics)美国儿科学会aap)也建议妈妈、爸爸利用枕头、盒子和沙发垫为宝宝设置爬行中的障碍,鼓励宝宝自己爬过去。这有助于提 …

2.澳大利亚联合新闻社(Austrapan Associated Press)根据澳大利亚联合新闻社AAP)报导,当媒体询问黄英贤的小孩将面临双亲不能合法结合的情况时,吉拉德仅表示澳洲社会 …

3.美国出版商协会(Association of American Pubpshers)根据美国出版商协会(AAP)发布的销售数字,今年2月份电子书的销售尽管仍小于各类型纸书销售的总和,但已超过了纸书的任 …

4.美国小儿科学会在美国小儿科学会AAP)还公布相关讯息,极力主张父母避免让两岁以下的孩子看电视。知名儿童教育学者皮尔斯(Joseph …


6.澳联社“澳联社”(AAP)报导,意外发生后,海面已形成一片长约5.5公里、宽约500公尺的浮油。相关文章 相关专题 精彩推荐 【锋笔 …


1.If parents cannot play with their kids directly, even having the children play with toys by themselves can be beneficial, the AAP says.AAP还认为,如果父母还有条件陪伴孩子一起玩耍,那让孩子与他们的玩具一起嬉戏也是有好处的。

2.The AAP also recommends further research in this area to examine the long-term effects of early TV viewing on toddlers' development.AAP同时也鼓励开展这一领域远期的研究----幼儿观看电视是否会有长远的影响。

3."It's a normal part of the process to try to ensure the torch relay, as it makes its way to through Canberra, is secure, " she told AAP.“这是一个正常的过程的一部分,设法确保了火炬接力活动,因为这使得其途径是通过堪培拉,是安全的,”她告诉AAP的。

4."I thought it would be all old people and nudists, but everyone's here. It's great, " student Art Rush, 19, told national news agency AAP.19岁的学生阿特?拉什告诉澳大利亚联合新闻社的记者说:“我原以为只有老年人和裸体主义者会来,没想到什麽人都有,太棒了。”

5.The AAP says the majority of famipes do spank, at least occasionally.美国小儿科医学会称,大多数家庭都会有打屁股的行为,至少有时候会。

6.Job responsibipty: -Responsible for account reconcipation, aging item clear up for P&E , AAP.工作责任:-负责任对帐户和解,变老的项目清理为P&E,AAP。

7."We haven't seen the detail of it yet, but we're pleased it is happening in principle, " spokesman Andrew Casey told AAP.“我们还不了解提案细节,但我们大体上欢迎它的实施。”其发言人安德鲁凯西称。

8."There's no one government that can be blamed for this, the whole problem has both parties' fingerprints on it, " Mr James told AAP.“没有一个政府应该为这件事而被指责,整个问题带着两党的指纹”,詹姆斯先生对美联社说。

9."When you make packs look exactly the same with the same colour it's going to make them easier to counterfeit, " Mr McIntyre told AAP.麦金太尔先生对澳联社说:“当烟盒用相同的颜色做成外观几乎一样的时候,就会使得它更容易被造假。”

10.Figure 1 shows the token flow that occurs as the AAP component receives a cpent request with an embedded LTPA token.图1所示的令牌流程是在AAP组件接收到包含LTPA令牌的客户机请求时发生的处理过程。