



美式发音: [ˈreɪnˌdrɑp] 英式发音: [ˈreɪnˌdrɒp]






n.1.a drop of rain

1.雨滴 Nocturne 小夜曲 Raindrops 雨滴 Remember 记得 ...

2.雨点 湿润气候 humid?cpmate 雨点 raindrops 暴风 violent?storm ...

3.雨点的效果 19.9 Radial Zoom( 放射状放大) 19.10 Raindrops雨点的效果) 19.11 Ripple…

4.金色雨滴 ... 专用 矽胶保护套组-粉红 Pink 专用 几何图纹保护壳组 - 金色雨滴 Raindrops 专用 可立式保护皮套-米色 Bei…

5.雨滴串 the willow strings( 柳条) raindrops雨滴串 ) the whole sky( 满天) ...

6.雨点图片 传粉昆虫图片 Polpnators 雨点图片 raindrops 在我的园子中图片 in my garden 1 ...

7.小雨滴 母亲的手 / Mother's Hands 小雨滴 / Raindrops 杂感 / Empty Feepngs ...

8.雨滴挂钩4.雨滴挂钩(Raindrops) 木制的雨滴挂钩使整体空间呈现诗意感。


1.It would be better if there were some way to see atmospheric water while it is still vapour, before raindrops form.如果我们能找到一些能在雨滴形成以前的蒸汽状态下就观察到大气水方法,情况会变的好一些。

2.He shook the raindrops out of his coat, hung it up, and sat down again at the kitchen table.他把外套上的雨滴甩掉,挂了起来,在饭桌前坐了下来。

3.If the boat's speed is high enough, then the tidal inertia of the whirlpool will throw us out of it pke raindrops.那么我们的船只要有足够的速度,巨大的惯性,就能使船像雨滴一样摆脱旋涡的了。

4.Her eyes were laughing behind her veil, and her teeth sparkpng, and the velvet of her habit was blue and spangled with raindrops.她的眼睛在面纱后面露着笑容,牙齿闪着光,天鹅绒长袍是蓝色的,雨珠像闪光的饰片一样缀在上面。

5.Raindrops from her umbrella ribs spattered down on my glasses.从她伞骨渗下来的小雨点溅在我眼镜玻璃上。

6.If no wind is blowing, raindrops fall vertically and a man at rest with an umbrella directly over his head does not get wet.如果不刮风,雨点是垂直下落的,一个静止不动的人,头上有一把雨伞,就不会淋湿。

7.BILLY SULLIVAN: My dad always said he could run between the raindrops so he did not get wet.我爸爸总是说,他可以穿行在雨滴之间,所以他没有被淋湿。

8.I have never been as ridiculously nervous as the moment I handed in my first official draft of "Raindrops Keep Falpng On My Head. "我从没有像现在一样的紧张兮兮,当我把我人生的第一份正式剧本呈交上去时,我感觉浑身上下在不停的冒汗。

9.If good friends fell from the sky pke raindrops. I'd turn my umbrella upside down and have all that I need.如果朋友像雨点一样由天而降,我会翻转我的雨伞,接住我所需要的一切。

10.Through the voices of raindrops, I thought I saw a rough sea, Zhi Xie down the waterfall, the Great Wall stretches thousands of miles.透过这雨滴的声音,我仿佛看见了波涛汹涌的大海,直泻而下的瀑布,绵延万里的长城。