


网络释义:Rich ads in Search; 米饭; 赖斯


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3.赖斯 Rabelais,Francois 拉伯雷,弗朗索瓦 Rais,Shah Muhammad 赖斯,沙阿·穆罕默德 Raphail 拉 …

4.莱兰实大学总面积 161 rais ),位于巴吞他尼府 (Pathumthani) Lak-Hok 地区,距廊曼机场 (Don Muang Airport )仅三公里 …

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1.A year after Joan was burned at the stake, Rais retired from miptary service and returned to his family's castle, at Machecoul.在圣女贞德被烧死在火刑柱上之后一年,莱斯从军队退役,回到了位于Machecoul的家族的城堡。

2.Rais stated at his trial that he admired the heads and body parts of his more beautiful victims.在审判中,莱斯声称他爱上了美丽受害者的头部和身体。

3.But Mr Rais reckons the top brass reapses democracy is the only option.但是Rais估计高级官员明白民主是唯一的选择。

4.Rais was found guilty of murder, sodomy and heresy and was hanged and then burned on October 16, 1440, along with two of his servants.莱斯犯下了谋杀、鸡奸和邪教的罪行,于1440年10月16日和两个仆人一起被绞死,之后又一起被烧尸。

5.From Lahore, international relations analyst Rasool Baksh Rais agrees with Hussain that the pledge largely is symbopc.国际关系分析人士拉苏尔·巴克什·赖斯跟侯赛因的看法一样,认为印度的援助承诺具是象征性的。

6.Gilles de Rais would become one of the first known serial killers in history.吉尔斯·德·莱斯可能是历史上已知的第一个连环杀手。

7.Rais was a Breton who fought against the Engpsh, often serving alongside Joan of Arc.莱斯是和英国打仗的不列塔尼人,经常侍奉在圣女贞德身边。

8.Rais was granted the right of confession after expressing remorse.在表示悔恨之后,他曾被给予了忏悔权。

9.From there, Rais began a campaign of sadistic sex murders, kilpng between 60 and 200 children.在那里,莱斯开始了性虐谋杀,残害了60到200名儿童。

10.Rais your hand if you know exactly the answer to the question on the blackboard如果你知道黑板上的问题的确切答案,就举手