




1.事务缓存scalable)分布式(distributed)事务处理transactional)数据存储(persistent)安全性(secure)为什么选择ejb开发人员 …

3.事务性它的事务性transactional)能够为有效地提供用户并发访问控制,并为应用程序的数据调用提供一致性。而且由于关系型数据 …

4.事务型1) 事务型(Transactional)策略:仅仅在受管理环境中适用。它提供了Repeatable Read事务隔离级别。

5.交易交易领导理论 by 公职-行政学 下列有关交易(Transactional)领导理论的说明,何者有误? (A)追溯到贡献与满足平衡理论 (B)部 …

6.交易型  除了变革型和“交易型”(transactional)领导人的一般区别,其他领导技能更加重要。比如,老布什总统从来不做“有关愿景的事”…

7.事务关闭方式(3)事务关闭方式transactional) 介于两者之间,在尽可能短的时间内关闭数据库,但当前活动事务可提交。 命令:shutdo…


1."This relationship is going to have to become more of a transactional relationship, more of a performance-based relationship, " he said.哈斯表示:“双方关系势必转变为一种更具交易色彩的关系,一种更基于实际表现的关系。”

2.A good design for communicating with the backend and an understanding of transactional behavior is often more promising.具有后端系统通信的良好设计,并了解事务行为通常可以得到更高的性能。

3.The CICS EPI resource adapter, which can be used for access to 3270 terminal based programs, has no global transactional support.被用于访问基于3270终端的程序的CICSEPI资源适配器不支持全局事务。

4.This stored procedure is not used for snapshot reppcation subscriptions or transactional reppcation subscriptions .此存储过程不用于快照复制订阅或事务复制订阅。

5.Transactional leadership is really just a way of managing rather a true leadership style, as the focus is on short-term tasks.交易型领导风格与其说是真正的领导风格,倒不如说是一种真正的管理办法,因为它的焦点是关注于短期的任务上。

6.The transactional nature of communication, with multiple and simultaneous rhetorical processes, results in the Transactional Process Model.通讯事务的性质,多重及同步的修辞过程,在交易的过程模型结果。

7.In a situation pke this, access to the data must be fully transactional in order to maintain data integrity across the data sources.在类似情况下,为了维护数据源内数据的完整性,对数据的访问必须完全是事务性的。

8.You could install the Hibernate plug-in, or do as the error message tells you and set def transactional = false in your integration test.您可以安装Hibernate插件,或者按照错误消息的指示在集成测试中设置deftransactional=false。

9.As you can see you can simply annotate the query methods with @Transactional to let them participate in transactions.正如你看到的,你可以简单的通过为查询方法增加注释@Transactional的方式把它们加入事务。

10.The company is targeting the commercial printers as well as the direct marketing and transactional printing markets.该公司是针对商业印刷以及直接营销和交易印刷市场。