


美式发音: 英式发音: [rælf]






n.1.a right turn

1.拉尔夫 Raleign 罗利 Ralph 拉尔夫 Raman 拉曼 ...

2.雷夫 ... Hale 霍尔 Ralph 拉夫 Ross 罗斯 ...

4.雷尔夫方法 完成车道检测, 通过检测信息进行车辆控制; RALPHRapidly Adapting Lateral Position Handler)系统,包含了道路 …


1.Father Ralph asked as he sank into the chair he had come to think of as his own.拉尔夫神父坐进了那张对他来说就象是他自己的椅子问道。

2.Ralph closes his eyes and prays. He is so hungry. He is about to faint.罗夫闭上眼睛祈祷着。他太饿了,几乎快晕倒了。

3.Had Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin been convicted, they might have spent up to 20 years in prison.如果针对拉尔夫齐奥菲和马修丹宁的指控成立,二人将面临20年监禁。

4.She slams the door shut. Brian drives off. Ralph , Jr. and his friends run by her and head for the side of the house.她砰一声关上门。布莱恩开车走了。小拉尔夫和伙伴们从她身旁跑过,冲到房子边。

5.She thought Ralph's judgments distorted by his trials, but she flattered herself she had learned to make allowance for his words.虽然她认为,拉尔夫的看法总有些故弄玄虚,但她相信她已经懂得怎样来对待他的话。

6.But for the sense of something watching him, Ralph would have shouted at him.要不是感觉有什么东西在监视他们,拉尔夫早就对他大喊大叫了。

7.Ralph, Sr . looks at his wife as though she's crazy. She gives Ralph, Jr. her spoon. He continues to eat, biting down more carefully.大拉尔夫看着妻子,觉得她疯了。她把自己的汤匙递给儿子。他继续用汤匙吃着,只是更小心而已。

8.Well, thanks, Ralph, but I thought I'd try and chair the meeting by the book at least for a while.那真是谢谢了,鲁尔夫。但是我想我至少按规矩要主持一会儿会议,即使时间很短。

9.PULL BACK to see RALPH, JR . and his friends sitting in a corner of the ice rink. People skate in the background.镜头向后拉,看到,小拉尔夫和朋友们正坐在溜冰场的一个角落里。人们在溜冰。

10.Ralph tried to thank me for helping him move some furniture but I told him it was nothing.拉尔夫因为我帮他搬了些家具而要谢我,但我却对他说不用谢。