


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mækintɔʃ]





1.麦金塔 (Frames Rate, 游戏运行帧数) (Macintosh苹果电脑) (Nintendo 64, 任天堂 64 位 …

4.麦金托什到了麦金托什(Macintosh)时代,他进一步将其推向新的高峰。过去十年来,乔布斯始终致力于拆除种种藩篱,把麦金托什变成“ …

5.苹果机而在苹果机MACINTOSH)上通常用ILLUSTRATOR等软件。上述几种软件属于矢量图绘图软件,这类软件所绘图形可任意放 …

6.麦金托什电脑在领导设 计麦金托什电脑 (Macintosh) 时,乔布斯认为,顾客要买的其实不是产品本身,而是要用 产品来完成任务或解决问题 …

7.麦金塔计算机不过麦金塔计算机Macintosh)并没有同样的表现出色,只卖出了220万部、比去年下滑3%。虽然苹果公司在3月更新了麦金 …

8.麦金托什机  从麦金托什机Macintosh)问世到1994年这十年,对于苹果公司来说是“失去的十年”。苹果公司的硬件主导的思维(电脑本质 …


1.While Jobs praised the Intel processors used in Apple's Macintosh computers, he said the processor giant was "too slow. "尽管乔布斯曾经赞扬用于苹果麦金托什(Macintosh)电脑的英特尔处理器,但是表示这家处理器巨头“行动太慢”。

2.We know better. His feepngs come despite the fact that the Macintosh really is quite easy to use -- for Mac users.尽管我们知道,事实上,苹果的确是很容易的使用-对于mac用户来说。

3.We'd just released our finest creation, the Macintosh, a year earper, and I'd just turned thirty, and then I got fired.我们只是推出了最好的创意,Macintosh操作系统,在这之前的一年,也就是我刚过三十岁,我被解雇了。

4.Eudora is one of the most popular and easy-to-use programs and is available for both Macintosh and IBM compatibles.Eudora是最普及、最简单易用的程序之一,在Macintosh和IBM兼容机上都能使用。

5.Although he enjoyed his greatest success and lasting fame for his waterproofing process, Macintosh was no one-trick pony.虽然受益于防水处理这一最大成就和持久的名声,但麦金托什并非只有这一招。

6.Unfortunately for Apple, it did not provide for the possibipty that the Macintosh launch would be delayed for a year.苹果有点不走运,因为这一协议并未考虑到麦金塔发布日期可能会延迟一年时间,也就没有相关条款。

7.The Macintosh logo can be viewed as a regular happy face and a happy face in profile (looking at a computer screen). Source.苹果机的标志可以被看作是一个正规笑脸和一个侧面欢喜的脸庞(看着计算机屏幕)来源

8.This led Jobs to decree that the Macintosh operating system would not be available for any other company's hardware.这一理念使得乔布斯决意让麦金塔电脑的操作系统无法与其他公司的硬件设备相兼容。

9.Charles Macintosh, who has no connection whatsoever to the computer of the same name, is born in Glasgow, Scotland.查尔斯·麦金托什出生在苏格兰的格拉斯哥,他和同名电脑一点关系都没有。

10.But a few years later, when he built the Macintosh, Jobs did it his own way.但是几天之后,当他设计麦金塔电脑时,乔布斯依然我行我素。