




1.拉姆齐经典拉姆齐(Ramsey)函数的估值柯克曼三元系大集的存在性问题拉丁方的横截问题列表染色猜想旅行售货员问题球面上的g-猜 …

2.拉姆西拉姆西RAMSEY)英国 欧洲内陆点 拉姆斯盖特(RAMSGATE) 英国 欧洲内陆点 雷德卡(REDCAR) 英国 欧洲内陆点 里 …

3.拉姆塞当拉姆塞Ramsey)痛苦的举着变形的腿时,可以看到队员们惊恐抱头、小法出离愤怒的情形,物伤其类,这个可以理解,当 …

4.拉姆赛完全二分图的拉姆赛Ramsey)着色问题研究自行车的结构真的合理吗给学生的肩膀减负抖空竹的奥秘论什么样的壶嘴不漏水 …

5.兰姆赛一般认为兰姆赛(Ramsey)在提出真理冗余论时最先明确地对之进行了扼要的阐释。他指出:“P,这是真”(It is true that P)与“P” …


1.By Nick Teale Aaron Ramsey visited the Arsenal training ground this week and was able to walk unaided as he caught up with his team-mates.拉姆齐本周去了阿森纳训练中心,他在和队友交谈时,可以不用辅助工具走路。

2.In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, Karr also said he tried to contact the Ramsey family.在一个独家访谈中,相关记者K也表示他试图联络R的家人。

3.Ramsey was interested in how much of its income a nation should save so as to maximise its prosperity now and in the future.拉姆齐当时的兴趣在于,一个国家应该储蓄多少收入才能使其繁荣在今天以及将来得以最大化。

4.Alf Ramsey would never have admitted it, but that defeat seems to have persuaded him down the route of pragmatism.拉姆塞从未承认过,但看上去是这场失利说服他走上了实用主义路线。

5.She was one of the few stay-at-home moms in Ramsey Hill and was famously averse to speaking well of herself or ill of anybody else.她是拉姆齐山为数不多的几个全职妈妈之一,出了名的不喜欢说自己的好话,也同样出了名的不喜欢说别人的坏话。

6.Carol and Blake referred to it as a "great-room, " a concept hitherto foreign to Ramsey Hill.卡洛尔和布莱克将加建的房子称为“大房间,”这个概念至今在拉姆齐山社区还是个新鲜叫法。

7.Despite my love for the club, I have to say I would probably choose Arsenal over United, just as Aaron Ramsey did a few years ago.尽管我很钟爱这家俱乐部,我还是不得不承认就像几年之前的亚伦·拉姆塞一样,我也会优先选择阿森纳而不是曼彻斯特联队。

8.Ramsey's advice is permeated with his Christianity, but you can get a lot out of this book even if you're not repgious.Ramsey的忠告里渗透着基督教信仰,但即使没有皈依宗教你也将从本书中受益良多。

9.Ramsey admits it took time for the team to settle but says it is all systems go from here on in.拉姆塞承认球队需要花费一定的时间去适应,但这是整个系统运转的必要前提。

10.I love Aaron Ramsey and I bepeve he will be a great player for Arsenal Football Club but we don't go there for a testimonial.我很喜欢拉姆塞这孩子,同时我也相信他将会成为一名伟大的阿森纳队员,但是我们去加的夫可不是去踢友谊赛的。