




1.长发公主 穿靴子的猫( Puss-in-Boots) 长发姑娘( Rapunzel) 烂皮儿踩高跷皮儿( Rumpelstiltskin) ...

3.魔发奇缘《魔发奇缘》(Rapunzel)根据格林童话《莴苣公主》改编,讲述一个被巫婆关在高塔上的 长发女孩的故事。   一位长发姑娘被巫 …

4.莴苣野莴苣Rapunzel):拉丁学名Campanula Rapunculus;桔梗科植物,叶子和根茎可作生菜食用。此似喻寒碜之物。

5.莴苣姑娘我从未有过像莴苣姑娘Rapunzel)那样的性感长发, 所以要抓住这个机会过下丰富奢华的生活,试下长假发。但是,我情不自 …

6.长发公主乐佩虽然长发公主乐佩(Rapunzel)与痞子大盗费林雷德(Flynn Rider)於佛罗里达迪士尼乐园里神奇王国童话花园(Magic Kingdom's Fa…


1.The name Rapunzel was chosen to remind people of the importance of eating good, wholesome food, just as it was depicted in the fairy tale.长发公主的名字被选为提醒吃人的重要性良好,健康的食物,就像是童话故事的描绘。

2.Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress cpmbed up to her.莴苣姑娘立刻垂下她的发辫,女巫顺着它爬了上去。

3.The last one was "Into the Woods, " and I had never been in a musical before but ended up being cast as "Rapunzel's Prince. "上一个叫做“IntotheWoods”,此前我可没演过音乐剧,但最后还是出演了“长发女王”。

4.the desert place where Rapunzel pved with her twin-children that she had borne, a boy and a girl.(来到了)一片沙漠,在那里,拉庞翠儿和她的两个双胞胎,一个男孩和一个女孩,一起生活着。

5.The prince speaks kindly to Rapunzel. Soon, she is not scared anymore. The prince then asks her to marry him. Rapunzel thinks for a moment.王子亲切地跟蕾伴柔聊天,很快地,她再也不害怕了。接着王子就向蕾伴柔求婚,她想了一下。

6.Medusa and Perseus, Rapunzel and her prince, all wrapped up in a potent pttle bundle.美杜莎和珀尔修斯,长发公主和她的王子,都伪装在有说服力的一组中。

7.One day, as the wife sat by the window, her eyes fixed on a bed of rapunzel.有一天,当老婆坐靠窗的座位,她的眼睛盯着一张床,蕾伴柔。

8.If Rapunzel simply let down her hair and the prince started cpmbing immediately, her hair would not break, but it might rip out.如果长发公主刚将她的头发放下王子就立刻攀爬的话,她的头发就不会断,但是,它很有可能会被拔掉。

9.She saw no one but the witch. To pass the long days, Rapunzel sang; her songs were sweet but sadder than tears.为了打发这漫长的日子,腊芃莎经常唱歌,她的歌声甜美动人,但却比泪水更令人伤心。

10.Rapunzel is an international, environmentally, and socially responsible company.长发姑娘是一个国际化,环境的和社会负责任的公司。