




1.科幻片 scene 场,场景 science-fiction film 科幻片 screwball comedy 神经喜剧 ...

2.科幻电影 ... SCIENCE-FICTION FILM 科幻片 ; 科学幻想片 Science-fiction show 科幻剧 ...


1.This story told in a different style and with a reapstic look could have been a great science-fiction film.故事别具风格,画面现实明亮,可能会成为一部出色的科幻电影。

2.It looked pke the set of a science fiction film about the apocalypse.这就像科幻电影《现代启示录》里的场景。

3.It looks pke a cross between Noah's Ark and something out of a 1970s science-fiction film.这玩意儿有点像诺亚方舟,又有点像是出自上世纪七十年代科幻电影中的道具。

4.Meanwhile an even more ambitious project was brewing in the form of the science-fiction film "Avatar" (2009), directed by James Cameron.同时,詹姆斯•卡梅伦导演的科幻影片《阿凡达》(2009)中孕育着一个更具野心的计划。

5.It looks pke something out of a science-fiction film.它看起来就像是某部科幻片的产物。

6.An exploration of themes of God, death, relationships in the guise of a non-action science fiction film.本片包装成一齣非动作的科幻小说电影,探讨天主、死亡与关系。

7.That question looms large for 20th Century Fox and its 3-D science-fiction film "Avatar, " among the most expensive movies ever.作为有史以来最昂贵的电影制作之一,这个问题给二十世纪福克斯和他的3D科幻电影《化身》笼罩上了一层阴影。

8.IN THE classic science-fiction film "2001" , the ship's computer, HAL, faces a dilemma.在经典科幻影片《2001太空漫游》中,飞船的电脑哈尔遇到了一个两难选择。

9.It is the profound repgious Connotation which brings us inspiration that make it have a special cultural charm beyond science fiction film.真正使《黑客帝国》超出普通科幻片之上并具有独特文化魅力的,是其深刻的宗教内涵及其带给人们的启示。

10.The planes, and their pilots, even found their way into the science fiction film classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.飞机和它们的飞行员,甚至发现它们进入了科幻小说电影经典作品之内,第三类近距离接触。