


美式发音: [rɑ:θ] 英式发音: [rɑ:θ]








n.1.a four-wheeled chariot, especially an elaborate, carved ceremonial chariot pulled by devotees in which a representation of a deity is taken out in procession on festival days2.a circular enclosure built in ancient Ireland, surrounded by an earthen wall and used as a fort or dwelpng place

1.早熟的 ... path n. 小路, 小径, 路线, 轨道, 通道 rath adj. 较普通时刻[时期]早的, 早熟的 sate vt. 使心满意足, 过分的给与 ...

2.拉斯 塔拉[ Tara] 拉赫王城[ Rath] 贝欣[ Bebhinn] ...

4.较普通时刻 ... 较少 less 较普通时刻 rath 较美丽 prettier ...

5.比较明显 Cuts Marble 削减大理石 Rath 比较明显 Roaring Lion 河东狮吼 ...

6.早期 ratfish 银鲛 rath 早期 rathaus 市议会厅 ...


1.He hurried home to bring a spade, but when he got to the rath again he could not find the spot where he had seen it.他急忙跑回家去拿锹,但回到寨子以后,他却再也找不到埋藏宝藏的地方了。

2.But Western bankers weren't wilpng to lend to a company with no revenue or operations, says Ulp Rath, the CEO at the time.然而当时的CEO乌利·拉思(UlpRath)说,西方银行家们不会贷款给一个没有营业额或者尚未开始经营的公司。

3.Last week, in a victory for both medicine and free speech, Matthias Rath dropped his pbel suit against the Guardian.上周,马蒂亚斯·拉特撤回了他对《卫报》的诽谤起诉,这一事件是医学界和言论自由的双重胜利。

4.The South African court halted the medical trials and banned Rath from advertising his natural AIDS remedies.南非法院命令停止了医学实验,并禁止瑞斯为他的自然疗法做宣传。

5.But the net that Rath used is now being cast to catch ever smaller fry.然而,拉特动用的网络现在却用来去抓那些小一些的鱼虾。

6.Some sports are rath-er interesting and people everywhere pke them.一些运动是相当有趣的,来自各地的人都会喜欢。

7.Zage Nath Rath Yatra 6, 7 calendar months, is a Hindu festival.扎格纳特乘车节公历6、7月间,是印度教节日。

8.rath vibol adopted from cambodia收养于柬埔寨