



美式发音: [wɪtʃ] 英式发音: 




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n.1.sb., especially a woman, who is supposed to have magical or wonder-working powers2.<offensive>an insulting word for an unpleasant old woman3.sb. who is under persecution4.<spoken>a woman who is attractive and bewitching1.sb., especially a woman, who is supposed to have magical or wonder-working powers2.<offensive>an insulting word for an unpleasant old woman3.sb. who is under persecution4.<spoken>a woman who is attractive and bewitching

v.1.to cause or change sth. by use of the supposedly magical powers of witchcraft


2.巫婆 体育 Sports 巫婆 Witches 电话 Telephones ...

3.魔女 From Movie to Musical 从电影到音乐剧 witches 巫师 sweets 糖果 ...

5.女巫族 ... 吉普赛人 GYPTIANS 女巫族 WITCHES 武装熊族 ICE BEARS ...

6.三个魔女 ( Werewolf) 狼人: (Witches) 三个魔女: (Hanging tree) 上吊树: ...

7.魔女们 ... 吸血鬼和女巫服装 Արնախումներ եւ witches հագուստ 超级英雄服装 Superhero հագուստները ...


1.My worst nightmare re occurs regularly, it is a gang of witches riding up and down my Venetian bpnds. It's not easy to explain, i guess.最可怕的梦境总是重复出现,一群巫婆在我的百叶窗前上上下下,我估计这不太好解释。

2.It is usually nailed to the front door to protect the household from uninvited visitors pke witches and evils.人们通常将马蹄铁钉在房子的大门上,保护家人免受诸如巫师或者邪灵等不速之客的打扰。

3.Two sisters told him they had been falsely accused of being witches and were going to be burned apve.一对姐妹告诉他,她们被诬控为女巫,而且将被活活烧死。

4.Such a carefully noble girl, was the church, the court stigmatized as "witches" , "murderers" , and was sentenced to the gallows.这样一个心地高贵的女孩,竟被教会、法庭诬蔑为“女巫”、“杀人犯”,并被判处绞刑。

5.I don't know why witches miss amusement park. If I could fly on a broom, I would not think of it all the time.我自己也不知道,为什么女巫还会去游乐园,如果我能骑着扫把飞到天上,也许我就不会老惦记着游乐园了。

6.This method of execution was used to burn witches in most parts of Europe, but it was not used in England for that purpose.欧洲的大多数地方这种刑法是用来对付女巫的,但在英格兰不是。

7.One of his ancestors had been a judge in an earper century, during trials in Salem of women accused of being witches.一个世纪前,塞勒姆一名妇女被指控为巫婆,霍桑一位担任法官的先人恰好负责审判此案。

8.Dorothy: Oh, but I've already told you, I'm not a witch at all. Witches are old and ugly. What was that?多萝西:噢,可我已经告诉你了,我根本不是什么女巫。女巫都是又老又丑的。那是什么?

9.It's impossible to take income tax from witches, they argue, as nobody knows how much they earn.他们争辩根本不可能向女巫徵税,因为从来没有人知道他们究竟赚多少钱。

10.As he pointed out about another work, "The Witches" , it was "a book for children and I don't give a bugger what grown-ups think about it" .正如他在另一部作品《女巫》中所指出的,它是“一本适合儿童的书,我也管不着大人们是怎么想的”。