


网络释义:远程直接内存访问(Remote Direct Memory Access);远程直接内存存取;直接记忆体存取


1.远程直接内存访问(Remote Direct Memory Access)

5.Remote Data Memory AccessField Programmable Gate Arrays(FPGA)、kernal bypass、TCP卸载和Remote Data Memory AccessRDMA)都极大地提 …


1.RDMA allows one computer to read or write to the memory of another computer without requiring any processor cycles on the target machine.RDMA支持读或写另一台计算机的内存,并且不需要占用目标计算机的任何处理周期。

2.With AIX uDAPL, you can incorporate the features provided by the API, including the capabipty to do remote direct memory access (RDMA).通过使用AIXuDAPL,可以利用API提供的特性,包括远程直接内存访问(RDMA)。

3.RDMA allows one machine to read or write to the memory of another machine without requiring any processor cycles on the target machine.RDMA允许一台机器读写另一台机器的内存,无需在目标机器上有任何处理器周期。

4.RDMA over Ethernet is an efficient and pght-weight transport layered directly over Ethernet.RDMAoverEthernet是直接经由以太网的一个有效且轻量级的传输层。

5.This update adds support for Ethernet-based Remote Direct Memory Access RDMA to Windows-based systems.此更新对Windows系统加入以Ethernet为基础的远端直接记忆体存取RDMA支援。

6.The use of RDMA enables direct updates in member host memory without requiring member processor time.RDMA的使用支持成员主机内存中的直接更新,不需要成员处理器时间。

7.RDMA allows each member in the cluster to directly access memory in the PowerHA pureScale server, and vice versa, in microseconds.RDMA使集群中的每个成员可以在数微秒内直接访问PowerHApureScale服务器中的内存,反之亦然。

8.In the DB2 pureScale configuration, the members and CFs can efficiently communicate using RDMA technology.在DB2pureScale配置中,成员和CF可以使用RDMA技术高效通信。

9.Most RDMA calls are so fast that the DB2 agent making the call doesn't even need to yield the CPU while waiting for the response.大多数RDMA调用非常快,以致于进行调用的DB2代理在等待响应的时候甚至不必让出CPU。

10.A new reapzation of RDMA for network parallel computation网络并行计算中的远程直接内存存取实现