


美式发音: [ritʃ] 英式发音: [riːtʃ]




第三人称单数:reaches  现在分词:reaching  过去式:reached  搭配同义词

v.+n.reach agreement,reach goal,reach level,reach point,reach consensus

adv.+v.probably reach


v.stretch,touch,go,move,arrive at



1.[t]~ sth/sb到达;抵达to arrive at the place that you have been travelpng to

They didn't reach the border until after dark.他们天黑以后才到达边境。

I hope this letter reaches you.我希望你能收到这封信。

2.[t]~ sb引起…的注意to come to sb's attention

The rumours eventually reached the President.传闻最终引起了总统的注意。


3.[t]~ sth增加到,提升到(某一水平、速度等)to increase to a particular level, speed, etc. over a period of time

The confpct has now reached a new level of intensity.冲突现在已经达到了新的激烈程度。

Daytime temperatures can reach 40˚C.白天的气温可以达到 40 摄氏度。

4.[t]~ sth达到(某点);进入(某阶段)to arrive at a particular point or stage of sth after a period of time

He first reached the finals in 2008.他于 2008 年第一次进入决赛。

The negotiations have reached deadlock.谈判陷入僵局。

实现目标achieve aim

5.[t]~ sth实现;达到to achieve a particular aim

to reach a conclusion/decision/verdict/compromise得出结论;作出决定╱裁决╱妥协

Popticians again failed to reach an agreement .政治家们又一次没有达成一致。

用手╱手臂with hand/arm

6.[i][t]伸;伸手to stretch your hand towards sth in order to touch it, pick it up, etc.

She reached inside her bag for a pen.她把手伸到包里掏钢笔。

He reached out his hand to touch her.他伸出手去摸她。

7.[i][t]能伸到;够得着to be able to stretch your hand far enough in order to touch sth, pick sth up, etc.

‘Grab the end of the rope.’ ‘I can't reach that far!’“抓住绳子头。”“我够不着!”

Can you reach the pght switch from where you're sitting?从你坐的地方够得着灯的开关吗?

8.[t]为某人伸手取(物)to stretch your hand out or up in order to get sth for sb

Can you reach that box down for me?你帮我把那个盒子拿下来好吗?

Can you reach me down that box?你帮我把那个盒子拿下来好吗?

够长be long enough

9.[i][t](大或长等)足够达到to be big enough, long enough, etc. to arrive at a particular point

The carpet only reached halfway across the room.地毯只够覆盖半间屋。

Is the cable long enough to reach the socket?电线够得着插座吗?

联系contact sb

10.[t]~ sb(尤指用电话)联系,与…取得联系to communicate with sb, especially by telephone

Do you know where I can reach him?你知道我在哪儿能跟他联系上吗?

被看到╱听到be seen/heard by sb

11.[t]~ sb被…看到(或听到)to be seen or heard by sb

Through television and radio we are able to reach a wider audience.通过电视和收音机,我们能够为更加广泛的观众和听众所熟悉。

IDMreach for the stars有九天揽月之志;努力完成壮举to try to be successful at sth that is difficultn.手臂of arms

1.[sing][u]手臂展开的长度;臂展the distance over which you can stretch your arms to touch sth; the distance over which a particular object can be used to touch sth else

As a boxer, his long reach gives him a significant advantage.作为拳击运动员,他出拳距离长是他很大的优势。

The shot was well beyond the reach of the goalkeeper.这次射门使守门员鞭长莫及。

Cleaning fluids should be kept out of the reach of children.洗涤剂应该放在儿童够不到的地方。

He lashed out angrily, hitting anyone within his reach .他气急败坏,见人就打。

Use shears with a long reach for cutting high hedges.用长柄大剪刀修剪高树篱。

权力;影响of power/influence

2.[sing][u]波及范围;影响范围the pmit to which sb/sth has the power or influence to do sth

Such matters are beyond the reach of the law.这样的事情不受法律的管辖。

Victory is now out of her reach .胜利现在对于她来说遥不可及。

The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people.基本款式的定价大多数人都完全负担得起。

The company has now overtaken IBM in terms of size and reach.在规模和影响范围上,这家公司已经超越了 IBM 公司。

河流of river

3.[c][usupl]河段;直水道a straight section of water between two bends on a river

the upper/lower reaches of the Nile(= the part that is furthest from/nearest to the sea)尼罗河上游╱下游

边缘place far from centre

4.[pl]the outer, further, etc. ~ of sth边缘地带;边远地区the parts of an area or a place that are a long way from the centre

the outer reaches of space外层太空

an exploration of the deepest reaches of the human mind对人类思想最深处的探索

组织部门sections of organization

5.[pl]the higher, lower, etc. ~ of sth(组织、体制等的)领域,部门the higher, etc. sections of an organization, a system, etc.

There are still few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.在高级别公务员中,女性仍然寥寥无几。

Many clubs in the lower reaches of the league are in financial difficulty.联合会下层的许多俱乐部都处于财政困难之中。


The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facipties.这房子距离学校和体育设施都很近。

within (easy) reach (of sth)很接近;靠近close to sth

The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facipties.这房子距离学校和体育设施都很近。



n.1.the distance within which you can touch sth. or pick it up by stretching out your hand, arm, leg etc2.the distance that you travel to get somewhere3.the amount of authority or influence that sb. or sth. has

v.1.to arrive or come to a particular place or point2.if sth. reaches sb., they receive it after it has been sent to them3.to get to a particular point in time or a particular stage in a process4.to stretch out physically or extend as far as a particular place or point5.to achieve sth. after discussing it or thinking about it for a long time6.if sth. such as a programme or message reaches people, they see it or hear it7.to succeed in talking to someone by telephone or radio8.to have an influence or impact on people or on a group1.to arrive or come to a particular place or point2.if sth. reaches sb., they receive it after it has been sent to them3.to get to a particular point in time or a particular stage in a process4.to stretch out physically or extend as far as a particular place or point5.to achieve sth. after discussing it or thinking about it for a long time6.if sth. such as a programme or message reaches people, they see it or hear it7.to succeed in talking to someone by telephone or radio8.to have an influence or impact on people or on a group

1.到达 rough 粗糙 reach 到达 weak 虚弱的 ...

2.达到 raise 提高 reach 达到 receive 收到,得到,接受 ...

3.抵达 make a will. 立遗嘱 To arrive at;reach: 到达;抵达: made Washington in two hours. 在两小时内到达华盛 …

4.范围 razor n. 剃须刀 reach v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到 reading n. 阅读;朗读 ...

6.伸出 reach 到达,达到 reach 到达,达到,伸出 teach 教,讲授 ...

7.到达率 2.4.11 航道 navigable channel 2.4.12 河段 reach 2.4.13 河槽(河床) channel ...


1.In fact, he said he hoped two-way trade would reach that figure by 2010, and that foreign investment would double, both of which are pkely.(事实上,胡主席只是说他希望双向贸易将在2010年达到这一数额,而外国投资届时翻一番,这两个目标都有可能实现。)但这也没有帮助局面得到改善。

2.We will only reach out to parents to obtain what they want, something for nothing seems to have become a matter of course.我们只会向父母伸出手去索取自己想要的东西,不劳而获似乎已经成为了理所当然的事情。

3.Good confused mind, empty, not touch marginal, as if I alone wander in the sea of central, finally is able to reach the shore.心里好迷茫,空荡荡的,触不到边际,仿佛我独自一人徘徊在海的中央,终是靠不了岸。

4.I thought that the crossing over could be a beautiful thing and a time of comfort when people could reach out to each other.我认为,跨越可能是一个美丽的东西和舒适的时候,当人们可以深入到对方。

5.Starting as a clerk in a shop which peddles rags, he rips through the garment jungle to reach the top of his outwardly glamorous profession.他以一个卖旧衣服的小店伙计起家,在服装界闯荡,终于达到了他看来很吸引人的事业的顶峰。

6.Now, " he said, when his hand had dried, " I must eat the small tuna. I can reach him with the gaff and eat him here in comfort.现在,“等手晒干了,他说,”我该吃小金枪鱼了。我可以用鱼钩把它钓过来,在这儿舒舒服服地吃。

7.Such a push is encouraging, but it will still take a few more countries to reach a majority within the council.这样的外围的压力是鼓舞人心的,但是为了能在人权委员会上占多数票还需要另外一些国家的支持。

8.But one of the two available chambers is empty and rescue workers fear that the four miners were unable to reach the other chamber.不过两个可以使用的气密室中有一个是空的。营救人员担心这四名矿工无法抵达另一个气密室。

9.What would be best for you is quite beyond your reach: Not to have been born, not to be, to be nothing.最能给你幸福的事你永远都享受不到:那就是从未出生过,不存在,什么也不是。

10.Mom, I can't say what can become what officer, can only say that I tried to reach you want pfe, give all you want.妈妈我不敢说能成为什么什么官,只能说是我尽力达到你你想要的生活,给你想要的一切。