



美式发音: [ritʃ] 英式发音: [riːtʃ]




第三人称单数:reaches  现在分词:reaching  过去式:reached  搭配同义词

v.+n.reach agreement,reach goal,reach level,reach point,reach consensus

adv.+v.probably reach


v.stretch,touch,go,move,arrive at




n.1.the distance within which you can touch sth. or pick it up by stretching out your hand, arm, leg etc2.the distance that you travel to get somewhere3.the amount of authority or influence that sb. or sth. has

v.1.to arrive or come to a particular place or point2.if sth. reaches sb., they receive it after it has been sent to them3.to get to a particular point in time or a particular stage in a process4.to stretch out physically or extend as far as a particular place or point5.to achieve sth. after discussing it or thinking about it for a long time6.if sth. such as a programme or message reaches people, they see it or hear it7.to succeed in talking to someone by telephone or radio8.to have an influence or impact on people or on a group1.to arrive or come to a particular place or point2.if sth. reaches sb., they receive it after it has been sent to them3.to get to a particular point in time or a particular stage in a process4.to stretch out physically or extend as far as a particular place or point5.to achieve sth. after discussing it or thinking about it for a long time6.if sth. such as a programme or message reaches people, they see it or hear it7.to succeed in talking to someone by telephone or radio8.to have an influence or impact on people or on a group

1.达到 B. scoring 得分; C. reaching 达到; A. missions 使命, 任务; ...

2.到达 placing on or against 置于…上,背靠 reaching 到达 L. de-,from away,down 从…出发,向… ...

3.深远的 faroutness 极端性 farreaching 深远的 farred 远红外的 ...

4.伸手动作的缺失、多关节协调的改变、减少动作的平顺度、及伸手(reaching)和抓握(grasping)动作的分节;此外,会减少动作的精 …

5.伸取共被2位作者编辑2次,最新版本由 shawnkai 于2012年01 …

6.企及 ... |- 失效贴回收 |Old Posts Bin Reaching,searching for something untouched 企及,寻找未曾接触的事 …

7.抵 (arriving) 「至」耳上角....(足太阳膀胱经) (reaching) 「」伏兔....(足阳明胃经) ...

8.舷侧迎风 ... reaching n.舷侧迎风 far-reaching 深远的, 伸至远处的, 广大的 ...


1.Rolpng his shoulders back, he felt her reaching out to him in that simple phrase, and his tired, wrinkled face sparkled.他把肩膀转回去的同时,从那个简单的词中感受到她向他伸出援手,而他疲倦的皱纹满布的面孔溢出光彩。

2.Now, at a time of turmoil in Washington's ties with Tokyo, American officials are reaching out directly to that power behind the throne.在如今美日关系动荡之际,美国官员正试图直接联系这位王座背后的大人物。

3.Garment association chairman Aung Win says reaching U. S. comppance requirements can take up to a year and can be expensive.服装协会的昂温说,可能最多要用一年的时间才能达到美国标准,而且成本不低。

4.ASEAN seems to have recognized the moment, and has taken actions to deepen its integration even while reaching out to others.东盟似乎已经意识到了形势的严峻,并已采取各种措施以深化这种融合,甚至不会错过提供外援的机会。

5.As he was often transferred from one functionary to another, he began to despair of ever reaching a settlement.由于他当公务员的职位经常调换,因此开始对安定下来的念头绝望。

6.It's easy to talk, of course, but all over the base, I sensed that the Americans really bepeve they're reaching the end.当然说起来容易,但是我在整个基地都能感到美国人确实相信他们快要达到目的了。

7.It had a far-reaching impact on Jin and Yuan dynasty and had an influential position.辽代监修国史制度对金、元产生深远的影响,居于承前启后的重要地位。

8.How far reaching could this new technology be and how much oil, gas or coal could it replace?这项新技术可以走多远?可以替代多大数量的石油、天然气或者煤炭?

9.I still remember the urgency I felt, along with the annoyance that this woman was trying to keep me from reaching my goal.我依然清晰地记得我当时急迫而又烦躁的心情——那个女人不停的在我旁边干扰我。

10.One of my current motivations for staying healthy and reaching goals is to be a good husband and father to my two sons.我目前一个保持健康和达到目标的动力是要做一个好丈夫和好爸爸,对于我的两个儿子来说。