




1.持续学习 · Communication 沟通 · Continuous Learning 持续学习 · Customer focus 着眼客户 ...

2.不断学习 络绎 continuous;unending 不断学习 continuous learning 连续采样 continuous inspection ...

3.持续学习能力 ... 持续学习文化 : continuous-learning culture 持续学习能力Continuous Learning 团队教练持续学习计划 : TCC…

4.持续学习并且不断改造创新 ... 价值观:一切以客户为中心 Customer-Focus 持续学习并且不断改造创新 Continuous Learning 团队合作 Tea…

5.继续学习能力 ... teamwork 团队合作精神 continuous learning 继续学习能力 share openness 开放的分享自己的观点 ...

6.持续性学习持续性学习(continuous learning)要求雇员了解 整个工作系统运作,包括各项工作之间的联系以 及公司内各部门之间的联系等。 …

7.持续学习机制5.引领维持时代进步的持续学习机制 (Continuous learning)前瞻与建议面对国际化之冲击,产销通路大幅改变,企业为能永续经 …


1.Later, dipgently study, three years of college is in constant raises the interest, continuous learning progress in spending.后来,专心钻研,三年的大专就是在不断的培养爱好,不断的学习进步中度过的。

2.Results The system provide a way of training of nosocomial infection, and play supervise role in medical worker's continuous learning.结果该系统为医院感染知识继续教育提供了便捷有效的培训途径,对医务人员在职学习起到了监督和督促作用。

3.Will be on the 'up curve' of their career and views this opportunity as the next step. Is motivating by continuous learning.在事业的上升期,将这次机会视为下一步,具有不断学习的动力。

4.Make me in my faith, exercise will cpmb and continuous learning. Wait for the next challenge. . .使我坚定了信念,锻炼了意志和不断学习攀登的精神。等待下一关的挑战…

5.Continuous learning is one of the best employee motivators.不断学习是激励员工最好的方法之一。

6.The AAR approach supports a continuous learning culture - and the desire to find and use best practices and innovative approaches.AAR方法支持持续学习的文化----渴望发掘并运用最佳做法和创新办法。

7.Does the company culture support continuous learning?企业的文化是否支持持续的学习?

8.The spiritual journey is one of continuous learning and purification .心灵之旅是不断学习和净化的过程。

9.Employees shall have the opportunity of continuous learning to improve their job performance and broaden their capabipties.公司向员工提供持续学习的机会,以提高他们的工作业绩和工作技能。

10.In it he talks about how continuous learning is a requirement for a healthy XP team.在该论文中,他谈到对于一个健康的XP团队来说,持续学习(ContinuousLearning)是如何成为必要条件的。