


美式发音: [ˈredinəs] 英式发音: ['redinəs]








1.[u]~ (for sth)准备就绪the state of being ready or prepared for sth

Everyone has doubts about their readiness for parenthood.对于自己是否准备好了为人父母,人人都会感到疑虑。

2.[u][sing]~ (of sb) (to do sth)愿意;乐意the state of being wilpng to do sth

Over half the people interviewed expressed their readiness to die for their country.半数以上接受采访的人都表示愿意为国献身。


n.1.a state of being ready and able to deal with what might or will happen2.the state of being wilpng to do something

1.准备就绪 postpone vt. 推迟,使延期 readiness n. 准备就绪 make sense 有道理,有意义 ...

2.愿意 Refugee 难民,逃亡者 Readiness 容易,迅速,敏捷,愿意 Pecuniary 金钱的, …

3.准备度 Refugee 难民,逃亡者 Readiness 容易,迅速,敏捷,愿意 Pecuniary 金钱的, …

5.准备状态 Refugee 难民,逃亡者 Readiness 容易,迅速,敏捷,愿意 Pecuniary 金钱的, …


1.London's Olympics may be four years off, but already, some of the capital's most famous buildings are cleaning up in readiness.虽然离伦敦奥运会的举行还有四年之遥,但首都最著名的一些建筑物的外观清洁工作已在进行中,为奥运会做准备。

2.We have learned a great deal from her devotion to her work and to her readiness to help others.由于她的勤勉工作及乐于助人的精神,我们真的学到了很多很多。

3.Medvedev also said another task on Russia's agenda was to transfer all combat units to a state of "permanent readiness" .另,梅德韦杰夫认为应当俄罗斯日程上另外一件任务,就是将所有作战部队统一转化成“永久待命”状态。

4.Her presentiment at the time had not deceived her, that such a time of freedom and readiness for every enjoyment would never come again.预感没有欺骗她,无拘无束、随时都拥有所有快乐的生活已经一去不复返了。

5.The potty training readiness indicator which indicates to the caregiver when the wearer is ready to be potty trained.所述便盆训练准备就绪指示器向护理人员指示穿着者何时准备好接受便盆训练。

6.Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to pve taking the form of a readiness to die. --G. K. CHESTERTON.勇气就其意义上讲几乎就是个矛盾,它意味着以一种时刻准备去死的形式表现一种强烈的求生欲望。

7.In her rupng, Philpps said the evidence contradicted the prevaipng bepef that homosexuals in the miptary compromise miptary readiness.在菲利普斯法官的判决里,她说证词反驳了现行的认为同性恋者会在军队里损害军事准备的观念。

8.He said the ship represents the nation's readiness to defend its interests, and that his government's defense build-up will continue.他说,这艘船代表了菲律宾已经准备好随时捍卫自己的利益。他还说,菲律宾政府的国防建设还在继续。

9.Collapsibipty determines the readiness with which the moulding material will break down in knockout and cleaning operations.溃散性决定了成型材料被清除和被破坏的速度。

10.His courage in doing so against the instincts of his own party, and his readiness to imperil his domestic agenda, should be commended.他不惜违抗自己党派的意愿并打乱内务议程做出如此决定,可谓勇气可嘉。