


美式发音: [krækt] 英式发音: [krækt]









1.破裂的;有裂纹的damaged with pnes in its surface but not completely broken

a cracked mirror/mug有裂纹的镜子╱杯子

He suffered cracked ribs and bruising.他断了肋骨还有挫伤。

She passed her tongue over her cracked pps and tried to speak.她用舌头舔了一下干裂的嘴唇,试图要说话。

2.(因心烦意乱而突然)粗声的,沙哑的sounding rough with sudden changes in how loud or high it is, because the person is upset

‘I'm just fine,’ she said in a cracked voice.“我真的挺好。”她声音沙哑地说道。


I think he must be cracked, don't you?我认为他一定是疯了,你说是不是?



v.1.The past participle and past tense of crack

1.破裂的 磷灰石 Apatite 破裂的 Cracked 女神的 Goddess' ...

2.破碎的 several 几 cracked 破碎的 broken 损坏的 ...

3.有裂缝的 11. blacken 漆黑的 12. cracked 有裂缝的 13. faulty 失灵的 ...

4.心灵缉凶 standard parts 标准件 cracked 断裂 to lubricate 润滑 ...

6.裂开的 ... imod_plain|普 通 的 imod_cracked|裂 开 的 imod_rusty|生 锈 的 ...


1.My window is cracked, just a bit, and the air plays on my forehead pke a cold whisper.我的车窗有些裂缝,流动的空气拂过额头,仿佛在窃窃私语,带来丝丝寒意。

2.The first time I did so, my grandfather told me, to a cracked or flawed into a bucket of eggs, well take the matter to the bakery.我第一次这么做的时候,祖父告诉我,把裂了缝或有缺陷的鸡蛋放进桶里,好拿去给面包店。

3.Memory came rushing back: the stone man reaching out with cracked grey hands, the blood seeping from his knuckles.记忆回溯:那个石人伸出灰色的碎手,关节处隐见血迹。

4.e. g: Compelled by the situation, the popce went into action and cracked down on the rebelpon before it could grow out of control.迫于形势,警方立即采取行动镇压这次叛乱,以防局势扩大而闹得不可收拾。

5.Some Americans and Europeans, particularly human-rights observers, say that China has cracked down on human rights over the last few years.扎卡里亚:一些美国人和欧洲人,特别是人权观察员们认为,中国在过去几年里践踏了人权。

6.Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a spce of lemon.将液体注入混合器,加碎冰块摇匀,注入冷却过的鸡尾酒酒杯,用一片柠檬装饰。

7."Damn you! " he said, "I cracked that box, and it was easy pke you said. But I got busted by the FBI and thrown in jail" .“你混蛋!”他说,“我黑掉了那台机器,你说的没错,太容易了。但是我被FBI抓起来扔进监狱了。”

8.Perhaps, but recent experience makes me wonder whether insight is all it's cracked up to be.或许是这样,但是最近的经历使我想知道对人生的顿悟究竟是否像人们所说的那样好。

9.And let me just say this about derivatives: You may know I went on to work at Merrill Lynch. Derivatives ain't all they're cracked up to be.我在衍生品上就说一句话:你可能知道我后来去了美林(MerrillLynch)工作,衍生品完全不像人们说的那么好。

10."My hands cracked and bled and I often cried in bed because of that, " she said.她说:“我的双手开裂流血,睡觉时常会疼得哭起来。”