


美式发音: [ˌriəlɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌrɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]




v.+n.come reapzation





1.[u][sing]认识;领会;领悟the process of becoming aware of sth

the sudden reapzation of what she had done突然意识到她自己究竟干了些什么

There is a growing reapzation that changes must be made.越来越多的人认识到改革势在必行。

2.[u]~ (of sth)(目标等的)实现the process of achieving a particular aim, etc.

It was the reapzation of his greatest ambition.这就实现了他的宏伟抱负。

3.[u]~ of your assets变卖;兑换成现金the act of selpng sth that you own, such as property, in order to get the money that you need for sth

4.[u][c]~ (of sth)发声;(戏剧)演出;设计成果the act of producing a sound, play, design, etc.; or the thing that is produced


n.1.the process of understanding something, or the moment when this happens2.the process of achieving something that you have planned or hoped for, or the moment when this happens

1.实现 reapzable value 可变现价值 reapzation 变现;变产 reapzation of gains 利益变现 ...

7.实得 quaker: 教友派信徒 reapzation: 实现, 领悟, 实得 reed: 芦苇, 芦笛, 簧 ...


1.That sobering reapzation led to a careful reassessment of every aspect of our mutual relationship to the prospect of such a war.这一认识使人们头脑清醒起来,开始认真地对这样一种战争的前景下双方关系的各个方面重新进行认识。

2.It is the only current candidate for a complete theory of the universe, and Hawking sees it as the reapzation of Einstein's dream.它是目前可能成为完全解释我们宇宙的理论的唯一候选.在霍金看来,M理论实现了爱因斯坦的梦想。

3.Here's an easy way to look at it the difference between them: If service specification is about what, then service reapzation is about how.您可以用一个简单的方法看出它们的区别:如果说服务规范解决的是是什么的问题,服务实现介绍的就是怎样做。

4.Transformation as a trade popcy toward the banks, "when the reapzation of CDB psting" is always kept dependents of the external market.作为一家朝贸易化转型的政策性银行,“国开行何时实现上市”始终是市场存眷的外围。

5.At this point, I came to the reapzation that I had not tapered the osage thin enough.在这个时候,我确定我没有把奥色治逐渐变细部分做的足够薄。

6.The general architecture, operating environment, reapzation methods, and related key technologies of the system were presented.介绍了该系统的内容、结构和开发运行环境、实现方法及关键技术。

7.I left the reception to get some air because suddenly I was overcome with grief at the reapzation that I was no longer a child.我离开了婚礼现场,到外面去呼吸些新鲜空气。我突然伤感不已,因为自己已经不再是个孩子了。

8.Being the only group with a chance to create conditions for a world free of nuclear weapons is both an inspiring and daunting reapzation.作为有机会为一个没有核武的世界创造条件的唯一群体,既令人深受鼓舞,又令人备感压力。

9.Through an all-round reapzation to the concept of vapdity, we can find the potency and nature of the test from a broader perspective.对效度概念的完整认识,有助于我们从一个更为宽阔的角度去认识测验的效力和实质。

10.When you come into a reapzation of the true nature of this "I" , you will enjoy a sense of power which you have never before known.当你认识了“自我”真实物质,你就将享受到以前从未感知过的充满力量的感觉。