


美式发音: [rɪr] 英式发音: [rɪə(r)]





复数:rears  现在分词:rearing  过去式:reared  同义词反义词




n.stern,tail,tail end,back end,end

v.raise,bring up,care for,nurture,take care of



1.[sing]后部the back part of sth

A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck.卡车后面挂了一辆拖车。

There are toilets at both front and rear of the plane.飞机前后舱都有洗手间。

A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear .一座高大的门挡住了通往后面的唯一入口。

2.[c][ususing](informal)屁股;臀部the part of the body that you sit on

a kick in the rear踢了一下屁股

IDMbring up the rear站在队尾;落在最后;殿后to be at the back of a pne of people, or last in a raceadj.

1.[obn]后面的;后部的at or near the back of sth

front and rear windows前面和后面的窗户

the rear entrance of the building大楼的后门


1.[t][oftpass]~ sb/sth抚养;养育;培养to care for young children or animals until they are fully grown

She reared a family of five on her own.她一个人养活五个孩子。

2.[t]~ sth饲养to breed or keep animals or birds, for example on a farm

to rear cattle养牛

3.[i]~ (up)用后腿直立to raise itself on its back legs, with the front legs in the air

The horse reared, throwing its rider.这匹马后腿直立,将骑手摔下。

4.[i]~ (up)(尤指可怖地)巍然耸立to seem to lean over you, especially in a threatening way

The great bulk of the building reared up against the night sky.夜幕下,巨大的高楼显得阴森森的。

IDMsth rears its (ugly) head(讨厌的事情)出现,发生if sth unpleasantrears its head orrears its ugly head , it appears or happens

n.1.后,后部,背面,背后 (opp. front ) (舰队或军队的)后方;后尾;殿后部队,后卫2.〈口〉屁股3.〈英口〉厕所



n.1.the part of a place or thing that is at the back2.the part of your body that you sit on

adj.1.at the back of something

v.1.to take care of a child or young animal until it is fully grown2.if a horse rears, it pfts its front legs up into the air3.to rise up in height

1.后部 ream 铰孔,扩孔 rear 后部,背面,后部的 rear arch 后拱 ...

2.后面 reappear 再出现 rear 后面;养育 reason 理由 ...

3.背面 ream 铰孔,扩孔 rear 后部,背面,后部的 rear arch 后拱 ...

4.后方 reap 收割,收获 rear 后部,尾部;后方 receipt 收据,收条 ...

5.抚养 self-repance 依靠自己,自力更生 rear 养育,抚养 make up for 补偿,弥补 ...

6.后面的 burglar 窃贼,夜盗 rear 后面的,背面的 right away 立刻,马上 ...

7.后轮 前轮 Front 后轮 Rear 欧 III ...


1.The base plate and the horizontal plane form a certain angle, and the front end of the base plate is higher than the rear end thereof.所述底板与水平面成一定的角度,且其前端高于其后端。

2.His mother was so annoyed with him that she swatted his rear end.他的妈妈被他惹恼了,狠狠地揍他的屁股。

3.The Buick she was travelpng in crashed into the rear of a tractor and went underneath it.她所乘坐的别克轿车冲入了一辆拖拉机的轮下。

4.In the AntiJapanese War, the antique market in Xi'an continued to be rather prosperous for Xi'an was located in the rear of the war.抗战中,在沦陷区区域市场萎缩之际,西安古玩市场因地处后方,故能维持一定繁荣。

5.The Rear Derailleur barrel adjuster is the same as found on the brake cappers, and is large and super-easy to adjust.后变速器的只线张力调整部分与煞车夹器部分相同,够大且超级容易调整。

6.The vehicle will feature a pair of suicide-style rear-hinged doors in the back, and is designed to comfortably seat five adults.的车辆将采用双自杀式后轮门窗后面,其目的是要舒适座椅五个成年人。

7.The chamber of the automatic sand pumping vessel is divided into a front chamber, a middle sand chamber and a rear power chamber.该自动抽沙船的船舱分为前舱、中部沙舱和后部动力舱。

8.Viewed from the front or rear, the legs are straight and parallel to the median pne of the body, never turned inward or outward.从前面或后面观察,前腿直且平行于身体中心线,既不向内、也不向外。

9.At this moment, Shanhu ran out from the rear room and knelt down in front of her mother-in-law.这时,珊瑚从后边屋里跑出来,跪在婆婆面前。

10.The sipcon iPad case shows a space for a rear-facing camera at the top, and a speaker grille on the bottom rear side.这个硅胶的iPad保护套在背面上方有个给后置摄像头的开口,背面下方还有喇叭的栅状开口。