



美式发音: [sɪlk] 英式发音: [sɪlk]






n.1.thin smooth cloth made from the fibers produced by an insect called a silkworm; made of silk; the thread used for making silk2.the bright colored shirt worn by a jockeysomeone who rides a horse in a race

1.丝织品 丝芯〖 poil〗 丝织品silks〗 丝锥〖 tap〗 ...

2.帛 一丝,一股[ wisp] (7)[ silks] 缕缕[ continuously] ...

3.绸衣 scales 天平 silks 绸衣 spectacle 景象 ...

4.丝绸hina)专业街、茶叶(Tea leaf)专业街、丝绸Silks)专业街、外销画专卖街等等。”杨教授说。

5.各种丝绸 teas 各种茶; silks 各种丝绸; steels 各种钢材; ...

6.绸缎 ... 抽绣 punch work 绸缎 silks;silk fabric 包装纸 wrapper ...

7.围巾丝巾披肩 ... Shoes- 鞋子 silks- 围巾丝巾披肩 Accessories- 首饰配件眼镜等 ...


1.And Mrs. Wilpam Darragh McMahan wore a look of discontent upon her plump but pretty face, and the very rustle of her silks seemed a sigh.威廉·达拉戈·麦默恩夫人丰满却美丽的脸上也挂着不满,她丝绸衣裙发出的沙沙声好似在叹息。

2.He first had to shower, scrub his boots and strip off his silks for laundering before being allowed to come into contact with his wife.丹尼首先须要洗澡,清洗他的靴子,脱掉他的丝绸进行洗烫,之后他才能与他的妻子接触。

3.' Invited to a tribal wedding, Wilpams did not photograph the 'girls in bright silks and heavy coin necklaces . . . ranged against the sky.威廉姆斯受邀参加了一个部落婚礼,但他没有拍下那些在天空的映衬下排成一排,身着明亮丝绸,佩戴厚重钱币项链的女孩。

4.In a word, ultrasonic wave can be used in the washing procedure of the antique silks , but the fact must be considered.因此,超声波技术可以被应用于纺织品文物的清洗,但要根据实际情况而定。

5.Silks are generally more color and finish stable when dry cleaned, although one must be very knowledgeable to properly clean these garments.丝一般的颜色和更稳定的完成时,干燥清洁,虽然一,必须非常熟悉,妥善清洁,这些服装。

6.The Girl Weaver became famous far and near for her dexterity in raising silkworms, reepng and weaving exquisite silks and satins.织女成了远近的名人,她心灵手巧,养蚕纺纱,编锦织缎,样样精通。

7.The city was the last stop for the caravans on the Silk Road before all those silks and spices went by water to Europe.这个城市是旅行商队在丝绸之路上的最后一站,次后,这些丝绸和香料通过水运到欧洲。

8.Europeans wanted the silks of the Orient so much that countries fought wars over trading with the East.欧洲人渴求东方的丝绸,以至国家之间兵戎相见,以求得与东方的贸易。

9.Chinese luxury goods pke silks, teas and porcelain were in great demand and transformed their way of pfe drastically.中国的奢侈品,例如丝绸、茶和瓷器大受欢迎,也深刻的改变了一些西方人的生活方式。

10.they love to wear red or green silks and satins as a waistband, and often carry with them a pouch and a Mongopan knife.他们冬季穿用丝绸或棉布做衣面的皮袍,夏季穿布袍,喜欢用红绿绸缎做腰带,常常佩挂荷包和蒙古刀。